Search Result for “travel dates”

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Sam Yan shows need to save history

Oped, Published on 23/05/2024

» What distinguishes Thailand from many other countries is our rich diversity in culture and history. Yet slowly but surely, the distinctive heritage of our local communities is disappearing. Often property developers destroy historic buildings in pursuit of profit. But why do their rights always seem to come first? Why do we have to beg to protect our cultural assets?



For short hops, rail the way to go

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/01/2024

» With average global temperatures rising faster than experts had initially projected, flying is starting to look out of fashion, and not just among climate activists and environmentalists.



Making Asean more relevant to youth

Oped, Published on 31/08/2023

» International Youth Day is celebrated annually in August. Growing up as a young person in Singapore in the 1980-90s, I was more in tune with the arts, music, and literature of American and British influences than I was with local and regional popular culture. I was also more familiar with Western-based landmarks, for example the Eiffel Tower, than I was with those in Southeast Asia, such as Borobudur Temple. That was how oblivious I was of the region I was living in.



Time travelling with human rights

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 03/07/2023

» If humanity had to travel with human rights (past, present and future), what might be pivotal dates interplaying with our destiny? 1993, 2005, 2023 and 2033 might well be candidates for testing our recent chronology.



Thailand tourism needs a trust boost

Life, Pattarawadee Saengmanee, Published on 06/02/2023

» The beginning of the Year of the Rabbit is a candle of hope for the tourist sector's revival. Thailand, however, does not appear to be off to a good start. The disgraceful saga of Thai police started at the end of last month when a Chinese tourist shared a video clip of four police officers offering her an unauthorised VVIP service on social media. She claimed to have been given the option of a speedy immigration check at the airport and a police escort to her hotel in Pattaya.



Ardern's exit and the persistence of other politicians

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 25/01/2023

» 'All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs," wrote British politician Enoch Powell half a century ago -- and then proceeded to demonstrate the truth of this proposition in his own lengthy but undistinguished political career.


Solidarity needed to halt crisis

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 16/03/2021

» The desperate situation in Myanmar calls for concerted international solidarity to counter the Feb 1 coup d'etat and its heinous consequences. To date, scores of people have been killed by junta forces, while several thousands have been detained. The crisis compounds two disquieting situations of a longstanding and multi-faceted nature in the country -- the mistreatment of the Rohingya population (a Muslim community) and the decades-long civil war between the authorities and different ethnic groups.


Covid strategy needs jabs more than just masks

News, Published on 16/02/2021

» Israel has given at least one shot of Covid-19 vaccine to more than one third of its 9.3 million population, the fastest in the world to roll out inoculation.



Pandemic no time to play favourites

News, Editorial, Published on 31/01/2021

» A pandemic, by its very definition, affects the entire world without exception. After all, viruses -- be it the novel coronavirus, polio, or HIV -- do not discriminate on the basis of background.


7 secrets of Thai Covid-19 success

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 23/06/2020

» When the first coronavirus infection was detected on Jan 13, there were fears that Thailand would be the hardest hit by the pandemic, and that the country might not survive due to the onslaught unleashed by a faceless enemy.