
Showing 1 - 10 of 126



What's next after same-sex marriage?

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 20/01/2025

» Jan 23, 2025 will be remembered as a historic day for both Thailand and Southeast Asia. As a result of the amendments to the Thai Civil and Commercial Code -- which will come into effect on that day, 120 days after it was royally endorsed in the final months of 2024 -- same-sex couples will be able to register their marriage, and enjoy the rights of spouses under the law, regardless of their gender, without discrimination.



Anti-torture push needs serious review

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 06/01/2025

» Back in 2007, the government agreed to be a party to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, otherwise known as the "CAT".



Reconfiguring Asean rights declaration

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 13/12/2024

» It has been 12 years since the Asean Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) was adopted in 2012 by the 10-member regional grouping, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, embodying the key standards of human rights for the Southeast Asian region. How has it fared after all these years?



Labour rights in a mutating world

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 02/12/2024

» The world of work is undergoing significant changes amidst risks in a precarious setting. The poly-crisis surrounding the workplace ranges from health risks from global warming and climate change to political constraints and demographic changes with an ageing population in several parts of the world. The challenge is thus to respond with more preparedness in the life cycle of existence, where work is a major contributor to not only human livelihood but also self-esteem, a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging. In particular, the following issues thus deserve greater attention.



Thailand has human rights role to play

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 04/11/2024

» The recent election of Thailand to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is, in a sense, a cause for elation. Yet it also comes with the responsibility of proving to the global/local community that the country can set an example for good practices and propel the HRC to take effective action on key matters based on international standards. This is daunting in a world of multi-and-mini polarities and poly-crises.



China's interface with AI development

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 21/10/2024

» With intense competition between the superpowers on the development of and interface with artificial intelligence (AI), does China favour some commitments which can converge with other countries?



Reimagining human rights and China?

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 23/09/2024

» Should human rights be reimagined, especially in the context of China? From one angle, the answer is obvious. Plenty of norms are already agreed upon globally without the need for reimagination, and China is part of that universality. Yet given the situation on the ground level and the evolving nature of human rights, there might be room for some innovative reimagination, and this deserves balanced reflection.



Unpacking China's global influence

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 29/08/2024

» Is China an enigma? If it is difficult to decipher the country on some fronts, there are other elements which are more accessible. While it might be easy to look at its impressive growth in recent decades as diverging from other global players in key areas, there are other areas which are mutually convergent. From the multidimensional panorama of a complex world -- the "multiplex" world, a preferred approach is not to generalise too much but to analyse the specifics of our times for possible confluence.



Respect democracy and human rights

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 16/08/2024

» The judiciary is a critically important pillar of the state. It is often cited as one of the three pillars, with the others being the executive branch of government and parliament. From a broader angle, the people of the land are the key fourth pillar that should not be overlooked. While some judges are emblematic of justice personified, others are of a more questionable quality, with extreme cases embodying the toxic. What then is to be done to offer a sobering tonic?



Deep dive into Indo-Pacific dreamscape

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 02/08/2024

» Is the term "Indo-Pacific" an illusion? Or is it a defined concept, a geographical configuration, a channel for connectivity, and/or a confining strategy? Perhaps it embodies an all-embracing blend, waiting for the onlooker to dive deep into political undercurrents. It may also be time to move beyond the landscape and the seascape and even leave the dreamscape behind.