Search Result for “government officials”

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Thailand's Big Brother is upping the ante

Oped, Thana Boonlert, Published on 06/08/2022

» In the late 18th century, British philosopher Jeremy Bentham visited his younger brother, Samuel, in Russia, who arranged unskilled factory workers in a circle so that he could supervise them. Inspired by this principle, Bentham developed "the panopticon", an inspection tower surrounded by cells. Its uniqueness was that it enabled a watchman to monitor prisoners without them knowing they were being watched.


Khashoggi and MBS's blunderers

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 03/03/2021

» If Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, were a burglar, he wouldn't be George Clooney in Ocean's Eleven. He'd be a cartoon burglar in a carnival mask and a top with black-and-white horizontal stripes, carrying a sack labelled "SWAG".



Foreign minister rejects US editorial

News, Post Reporters, Published on 12/06/2019

» Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai has dismissed an editorial piece run by the <i>Washington Post</i> which suggested the United States hold back on resuming diplomatic ties with Thailand despite the fact that Gen Prayut secured his second term as premier through a parliamentary vote last Wednesday.


Journos under threat as world marks Press Day

News, Jeremy Walden-Schertz, Published on 04/05/2019

» As the globe marked World Press Freedom Day yesterday, journalists were commemorating the one-year-anniversary of dual suicide bombings in Kabul which killed nine of their colleagues. Meanwhile, separate attacks in Khost and Kandahar at about the same time killed another two journalists as well as dozens of civilians. In addition to mourning, the media community also conveyed its enduring respect for these journalists who had risked their lives on a daily basis to report the news.



Khashoggi saga packs punch

News, Maysam Behravesh, Published on 12/10/2018

» The disappearance and possible murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has cast a long shadow over Saudi Arabia's global image. If the Saudi government did in fact kill or kidnap him, the crime would have significant implications for Middle East politics.



Putting hearts and minds in Thai-US ties

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 24/07/2018

» The international rescue of 12 boys and their football coach in Chiang Rai earlier this month quickly permeated into the conference room of the Thai-US dialogue in Washington DC last week. The feel-good atmosphere jump-started the much-needed dialogue between the region's oldest allies.



Help the poor, PM

News, Postbag, Published on 22/05/2018

» If this government is unable to win over the poor, it is almost guaranteed that the "Burn, Bangkok, Burn" party will return to power and who knows what lame brain policies Thaksin Shinawatra will come up with.



Thailand's black site: Who is accountable?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 15/05/2018

» Suddenly Thailand, a name synonymous with coups and democratic struggles, has been mentioned repeatedly by US lawmakers and TV personalities over the last few weeks.


Why US shouldn't send arms to Ukraine

News, Daniel DePetris, Published on 30/11/2017

» The US National Security Council is reported to be on the verge of recommending the export of US$47 million (1.5 billion baht) worth of defensive arms to Ukraine. The package will reportedly include a cache of Javelin anti-tank missiles, weapons that would reliably and efficiently disable the hundreds of tanks that Russian-supported separatists in the country's east have acquired since the conflict began.



All in the family

News, Postbag, Published on 08/09/2017

» Perhaps the quote by Cambodian PM Hun Sen published in the Bangkok Post on Sept 7: "I have decided to continue my job for another 10 years" should have read "I have decided to continue my job running Cambodia as if it was my family business for another 10 years"?