Search Result for “food offerings”

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Asean now 'really' matters to Australia

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 27/02/2024

» The Albanese government has repeatedly declared that Asean matters to Australia. In the past, such an assertion often drew a quick response, with "really?" being the most common reply. Today, that is no longer the case. Asean "really" does matter to Australia. However, whether Australia matters to Asean remains to be seen.



America's 'new' China narrative hits the stands

Oped, Published on 24/08/2023

» Three recent articles in The New York Times have signalled a "new" narrative about China. Only weeks ago, China was America's fearsome "peer competitor" on the world stage. But now, we are told, it is a wounded dragon. Once a threat by dint of its inexorable rise, now it poses a threat because it is in decline.


Legalise vaping

News, Postbag, Published on 05/02/2023

» Re: "Hazy vape law makes waves: Tide may turn if PPRP wins poll," (BP, Feb 3) and "Thailand improves in corruption survey," (BP, Jan 31).



Telling it like it is

Oped, Postbag, Published on 28/01/2023

» Re: "Thailand's political charade exposed," (Opinion, Jan 27).


Joking aside, it's time for a quick groan

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/08/2022

» The news has been rather gloomy lately and it feels like an appropriate time for some light relief. What better than to check out which jokes from stand-up comedians were voted the funniest at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe which concludes tomorrow. Unfortunately this year's offerings are either not particularly funny or I can't understand them. Perhaps I'm getting too ancient to appreciate modern wit. Anyway prepare yourself for a few quick groans.


Don't be a bystander to mass famine

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 16/08/2022

» In March 1964, The New York Times reported that 38 witnesses saw or heard a brutal, drawn-out, and ultimately fatal attack on a woman called Kitty Genovese, but none did anything to help her or even summoned the police. The report was later shown to be erroneous, but the "bystander effect" is real. As many psychology experiments have shown, an individual is less likely to come to the aid of another if they can see that other people who could help are not doing so.


Riding the green wave

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 27/06/2022

» Only two weeks after decriminalising cannabis, Thailand is experiencing a green rush. Since June 9, when the legalisation of marijuana for home and commercial use took effect, almost 1 million people registered to grow it with food and drug officials, while more than 40 million have checked out the registration platform. There's a growing public interest in the cash crop -- though some farmers remain doubtful -- and it is paving the way for "cannabis journalism".



April Fools' Day Jokes That Should Be Real

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 01/04/2022

» Although April Fools' Day isn't a Thai tradition, to begin with, every year businesses and brands have jumped on this good-natured humour bandwagon with their out-there ideas for products and services. And I must admit some of them are simply brilliant that I wish they were true. Here're a few memorable April Fools' Day jokes I wish they could just be real for your entertainment.



Thailand's stance is a human-centred approach

Oped, Natapanu Nopakun, Published on 30/03/2022

» Imagine this. Within the span of a generation, former enemy states transform into top trading partners, bound together by a loose political organisation that evolves into a close alliance across open seas and vast expanses of land as decades pass. Forebears, once sworn enemies in a bloody war, give way to their descendants who now interact, trade, and work with each other with a view to foster peace and prosperity.


A chip on the shoulder, or is it a crisp?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/03/2022

» My reference to the Great British Chip as being related to "French fries" in last week's column caused considerable rumblings in staunchly proud British stomachs. "Shockingly unpatriotic," was one of the more polite observations.