Search Result for “economic crisis”

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US can't rely on inflation shamanism

News, Published on 23/09/2024

» Google "shamanism" and you will find that it is "a tradition of part-time religious specialists who establish and maintain personalistic relations with specific spirit beings through the use of controlled and culturally scripted altered states of consciousness." Every element of that definition applies to monetary policymaking today, as illustrated by the reaction to the US Federal Reserve's Sept 18 decision to cut the short-term interest rate by 50 basis points.



Candidates vying to lead economy out of crisis

News, Published on 21/09/2024

» Sri Lanka's upcoming presidential election has become a referendum on a US$3 billion (99.1 billion baht) International Monetary Fund loan programme that has helped to pull the island nation out of its worst economic crisis since independence. The contest pits the incumbent president, who negotiated the bailout, against the country's main opposition leader -- both members of the Sri Lankan political elite -- and a Marxist politician waging a populist campaign. The three have put contrasting views before voters over how to steer the South Asian nation past the crisis.



Zombie banking deepens economic woes

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 19/09/2024

» This is the second of three articles, following the earlier article "Problems with Dr Thaksin's Visions". The series will end with an article titled "Call for a paradigm shift".



Solving the Myanmar migrant surge

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/09/2024

» With the civil conflict in Myanmar showing no signs of abating soon, Thailand faces formidable challenges in irregular migration from the country. Without adequate and sustainable solutions, Thailand's overall development, including its economy, society, and security, will be seriously impacted.



Countries that are in step must trade together

Oped, Published on 14/09/2024

» Donald Trump and Kamala Harris agree on little except a disdain for free trade. Ahead of the 2024 US presidential election, Mr Trump has threatened a 10% across-the-board tariff on imports, while Ms Harris, whose policy positions remain murky, has indicated that she would follow in President Joe Biden's footsteps with "targeted and strategic tariffs". American politicians' free-trade enthusiasm of the 1980s and 1990s has vanished, and this scares other countries, which know that the United States -- despite its wobbles and foibles -- remains the world's most attractive trading partner.



Stop all of the democracy in-fighting

Oped, Published on 11/09/2024

» If democracy is going to flourish on this planet, its practitioners must be members of the same team.



Venice suffers from 'beauty curse'

Oped, Published on 10/09/2024

» Countries with great wealth or natural abundance often fall victim to their own blessings. Economists have long known that resource-rich countries can get stuck in cycles of slow economic growth, intense environmental degradation, and weak democratic institutions. But places endowed with a unique artistic and architectural heritage also can suffer from this "resource curse". Breathtaking monuments from a storied past can generate economic rents and sectoral distortions, not unlike those created by large reserves of fossil fuels and precious minerals.



China's globalisation paradox

Oped, Published on 30/08/2024

» China's trading partners are once again fretting about the country's supposedly unfair economic practices. This time, the focus is on China's alleged attempt to export its excess capacity, especially in emerging sectors such as electric vehicles (EVs), and to undermine domestic industries in the United States and Europe.


Libya's unending crisis shows need to be prepared

Oped, Published on 29/08/2024

» Who remembers Libya? Who recalls how the US became embroiled in this civil war only then to quickly lose interest? But sadly Americans vividly remember Benghazi and the horrible loss of a US consulate, the death of a respected US diplomat, killing of three security personnel and the throwing of the American flag into the pyres of a failed policy.



Keeping politics in the family

News, Published on 28/08/2024

» Politics is increasingly returning to being a family business in Southeast Asia, despite its large and vibrant democracies. It's a worrying trend. Power is at risk of being concentrated in the hands of an exclusive club of entrenched clans. That will disproportionately disadvantage the region's dynamic youth who are getting more frustrated with nepotism.