Search Result for “Interest rates”

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2% inflation targets wiggle room

News, Published on 11/06/2024

» This week's milestone G7 interest rate cuts dispel any notion that hitting 2% inflation targets spot on is a precondition for central bank moves or indeed sensible -- and may guide thinking on the Federal Reserve and Bank of England too.



Thailand wants faster inflation

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 06/06/2024

» It's hard to find a leader anywhere these days who will argue the case for faster inflation. Politicians would rather drink hemlock than call for a renewed acceleration; they are often too busy nodding sympathetically at what their opponents call a cost-of-living crisis. But there is a kingdom where calling for more elevated prices, sooner, isn't off limits. In fact, the government embraces the concept.



Why the US can't win trade war with China

Oped, Published on 22/05/2024

» Allegations about China's manufacturing overcapacity have sparked heated discussions among policymakers. During her visit to China in April, US Treasury Secretary Janet L Yellen reportedly argued that "when the global market is flooded by artificially cheap Chinese products, the viability of American and other foreign firms is put into question", adding that it was the same story a decade ago.



Govt, BoT spat may not be economic

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 09/05/2024

» The row between the government and the Bank of Thailand (BoT) over its "high" interest rate is all over the news. Many have started questioning the appropriateness of the central bank's independence.



Why the economy is heading for a crisis

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 02/05/2024

» I wish I were this good when it comes to picking winning lottery ticket. Just a few days ago, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) lowered its 2024 GDP growth projection from 2.8% to 2.4%, citing blah, blah, blah.



How elections bring about a cycle of devaluation

Oped, Jeffrey Frankel, Published on 01/05/2024

» The proposition that major currency devaluations are more likely to come immediately after, rather than before, an election is being tested anew. In the biggest voting year in history, the implications could be far-reaching.



Bank of Thailand needs to communicate

News, Editorial, Published on 29/04/2024

» Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin's decision to meet key figures from Thailand's major commercial banks to discuss the possibility of cutting interest rates last week raised a lot of eyebrows. It was highly unusual for a prime minister to appeal directly to commercial banks to change interest rates, as the nation's financial institutions generally follow the rates prescribed by the Bank of Thailand (BoT).



Handout difficult without BoT's help

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 18/04/2024

» The purpose of this article is to educate the public about the real issue of the digital wallet scheme. The issue is not "HOW to get the 500 billion baht?" but "Is there 500 billion baht AVAILABLE to be borrowed?"



Dying from debt

Oped, Editorial, Published on 13/04/2024

» The recent gruesome murder of a 10-year-old girl by her debt-ridden father in the northern province of Uttaradit raises doubts about the attempts of the Srettha Thavisin government to solve informal debt problems and related loopholes.



Implications of an ageing population

Oped, Daniel Moss, Published on 11/04/2024

» Thailand is racing to both revive -- and renovate -- the economy, bringing with it profound social changes. Infamous for its role in Asia's financial meltdown a generation ago, the country is today running headlong into a hurdle confronting the region: a dwindling and greying population.