Search Result for “$8 billion”

Showing 71 - 80 of 439



Vulnerable states need funding

Oped, Published on 13/09/2023

» Amid an escalating climate emergency and a global debt crisis, calls for a new "fit for climate" global financial architecture are growing louder throughout the developing world.



China ready to help Asean grow

Oped, Published on 08/09/2023

» Chinese Premier Li Qiang is attending the China-Asean Summit, the Asean Plus Three Summit and the 18th East Asia Summit from Tuesday until today to discuss East Asia integration and cooperation with Asean members and other dialogue partners.



When times get tough, Thais party

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 07/09/2023

» Today's article is far from being sarcastic towards or mocking Thais. On the contrary, it explains the current weakness of the economy and, more importantly, the serious implications for the effectiveness of the government's economic stimulus packages. So, this article is recommended reading for the new economic team.



Energy price challenge

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/09/2023

» Evidently well aware of public disapproval of his cabinet line-up and that there is no honeymoon period, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has prioritised energy price reduction out of the hope for greater popularity.



The presidential poll isn't perfect. Vote anyway

News, Published on 31/08/2023

» Predictability is the name of the game in Singapore's elections. The ruling People's Action Party (PAP) and its candidates always win handsomely. And while their margin of success is the envy of political parties and politicians the world over, for the PAP every single point counts. It is a sign of just how satisfied Singapore's 3.5 million or so citizens are with the ruling party. And a signal of whether longevity and legitimacy amount to the same thing.



When can we expect to see India Inc's moonshots?

News, Andy Mukherjee, Published on 25/08/2023

» Now that India has become the first country in the world to land a spacecraft near the moon's south pole -- for less than half the money Christopher Nolan spent on the movie, Interstellar -- its risk-averse private sector will hopefully be inspired to launch some moonshots of its own. Just beating investor expectations next quarter won't get them ahead in the long game in artificial intelligence or new materials and energy.



Outrage over old-age allowance cut

Oped, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 23/08/2023

» This year's viral video clip on Thai Mothers' Day wasn't about motherly love. It featured a furious mother's outburst, which, surprisingly, gained overwhelming support from viewers across the country.



Deepening of Thai-US economic links

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/08/2023

» During the last three months of the caretaker government, there have been unexpected and extraordinary movements in Thailand-US relations, both here and in Washington. Several key American lawmakers have visited Bangkok and pledged further US support for stronger economic and security relations with Thailand. In Washington, a group of bipartisan senators has set up the "US-Thai Alliance Caucus" in Congress.



Why do I smell tom yum kung cooking?

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 10/08/2023

» Readers who follow my bi-weekly economic column will have no doubt that the tom yum kung I am referring to is not a traditional Thai soup dish but the financial crisis of 1997.


Paris Olympics countdown raises concerns

Oped, Published on 04/08/2023

» The one-year countdown for the opening of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics has begun. The return of the Olympics to France has largely been met with eager anticipation for this international sporting extravaganza, but is equally tempered by the usual security concerns, political controversies, and yes, the legendary Parisian traffic.