Search Result for “thai politics”

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When an economist meets a psychic

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 04/02/2021

» I enjoy reading prophecies. There is one thing fortune tellers and economists have in common: they make predictions. As an economist, I use my knowledge, theories and actual data, to check whether these prophecies make economic sense.



Economy, not rallies, should worry govt

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 22/10/2020

» Economics and politics are inseparable. The current nationwide demonstrations against the government might appear to have only political agendas, but the underlying driving force of the burgeoning demonstrations might be economics. The question is "why now?". The prime minister has been in office since early 2019 and, if one counts his previous term, he has been in office since mid-2014. Furthermore, the current constitution has been in effect since 2017.



Could the baht strengthen even further?

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 04/07/2019

» Just the other morning before I woke up, I dreamed that I was in line at a bank waiting to change my Thai baht into US dollars for an overseas trip. Once I got to the teller, she told me that today's baht-to-dollar exchange rate was 25.8 and asked how many dollars I wanted. I asked her to repeat the exchange rate again and she confirmed the rate of 25.8 baht to the dollar. I told myself that this must be a dream, and I woke up.



Don't neglect the Ministry of Industry

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 20/06/2019

» Turn on the news. There is nothing much to watch except for Thai politics and the formation of the new cabinet. First, it is about the ministerial posts to be allocated to each coalition party. Then, the allocation of the posts within the parties. Finally, the specific names for each position.


Thailand's economy is headed for new recession

News, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 25/04/2019

» The key difference between a politician and an economist is that a politician establishes a goal, while an economist analyses the means to achieve that goal. For politicians, the ultimate goal is to control a society by becoming the government, and the means to achieve such goals are through laws and regulations.