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The high cost of GPT-4o 'giveaway'

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» With the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI has once again shown itself to be the world's most innovative artificial-intelligence company. This new multimodal AI tool -- which seamlessly integrates text, voice, and visual capabilities -- is significantly faster than previous models, greatly enhancing the user experience. But perhaps the most attractive feature of GPT-4o is that it is free -- or so it seems.



Teen talent weaves his web

Life, Published on 15/06/2023

» Early in the thrill-packed sequel Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, the story takes a brief yet memorable detour into a dimension that resembles Lego building blocks and figures.



Together at home

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/03/2020

» Staying home, barely going out, staying in your PJs for the majority of the day, taking them off to shower some time in the afternoon only to change into fresh cleaner PJs -- welcome to the new normal. I forgot to mention the part where you work from home but let's be honest, are you really working from home or did you just breeze past one season of a TV show you're now re-watching for the fourth time? Nevertheless, we all seem to be confined to our homes for the foreseeable future. You may be the introvert of introverts but even you may get bored and stir-crazy being stuck in one place for a long time. Here are a number of things to give some levity to your lockdown.



Will these change the way we read?

Life, Published on 02/11/2018

» 'A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic," cosmologist Carl Sagan once said. "It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years."



Advertisers need new tricks to meet digital media challenge

Business, Published on 31/08/2017

» Digital media has made succeeding in advertising harder because it has opened the market for creative content to a wider field. At the same time, it has made measuring impact a more precise process, essential for ad buyers who are increasingly focused on return on investment.


Microsoft Paint might be fading

Life, James Hein, Published on 02/08/2017

» What is the one program you can count on to be in Windows, apart from say Minesweeper? Microsoft Paint. It's the poor man's drawing tool and screen capture tool where it is as simple as Alt-Printscreen, Start-Run MSPaint, CTRL-V, Crop Marquee Select Crop, CTRL-A CTRL-C, Switch to email and CTRL–V to get something from your screen into an email (or anything else).


Courting controversy

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 13/01/2016

» When creativity crosses the line into insensitivity, there's usually a pattern of uproar, apology and cancellation. In the past many years, there's been a number of notorious cases of insensitive creativity in Thai commercials, series, films and visual representations that have made international headlines. The offensive issues often involve race, skin colour, ethnicity and historical interpretation. There are many more that never made the front page, for example the casual mockery of minorities and genders that is normalised by the audience, such as jokes on the accents of hilltribe people that often appear in movies and TV series.



Free speech and the crossing of a line

News, Published on 12/01/2015

» Within 24 hours of the tragic killings last Thursday at the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo, scores of editorials and commentaries poured out from the media, mainstream as well as alternative, about the need to defend freedom of expression from threats of terrorism.


WSJ's Chinese version blocked

AFP, Published on 04/08/2013

» Access to the Wall Street Journal's Chinese-language edition has been cut off in China, where official censors routinely delete online content deemed sensitive but less often block entire websites.