Search Result for “reputation”

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We are what we eat

Oped, Editorial, Published on 24/03/2023

» Thais have every reason to celebrate with regard to a new culinary milestone, phanaeng, which has been awarded the No.1 stew ranking by TasteAtlas, a global food mapping site.



Stirring national pride

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 09/09/2022

» Although being a world leader is not Thailand's strong suit. We, Thais, do know how to find memorable ways to roar our name proudly and make sure others keep us alive in their thoughts. According to the Guinness World Records, many Thais have beaten world records in presenting Thai culture creatively and unexpectedly, which has made us proud. Guru has a small complication of what we have archived.


Microsoft Paint might be fading

Life, James Hein, Published on 02/08/2017

» What is the one program you can count on to be in Windows, apart from say Minesweeper? Microsoft Paint. It's the poor man's drawing tool and screen capture tool where it is as simple as Alt-Printscreen, Start-Run MSPaint, CTRL-V, Crop Marquee Select Crop, CTRL-A CTRL-C, Switch to email and CTRL–V to get something from your screen into an email (or anything else).



Trump vents again, may fire attorney general

Associated Press, Published on 25/07/2017

» WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump turned up the heat on Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday, launching a fresh Twitter tirade against him while musing privately about firing the man who was the first US senator to endorse his candidacy.



Khao San, Yaowarat skirt BMA's ban on street food

News, Supoj Wancharoen, Published on 20/04/2017

» Street food will still be allowed on certain parts of Khao San Road and Yaowarat Road, two tourist magnets, despite a newly revealed plan to ban street vendors from the capital this year, City Hall said yesterday.