Search Result for “post books”

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Russia is stuck in a vicious circle while it plays bluff

Oped, Published on 03/06/2022

» The Russian war in Ukraine is a calamity -- for the people suffering through it, for Ukraine, for Russia, for China (which needs stability to develop faster than its competitors), and for most of the world (due to the resulting energy and food crises).



Let's focus on students

Oped, Editorial, Published on 03/06/2022

» The tragic death of an underprivileged student in Phatthalung province is shedding light on flaws in the allocation of state budget funds.


Globalisation: a well-managed decline required

Oped, Published on 02/06/2022

» The World Economic Forum's first meeting in more than two years was markedly different from the many previous Davos conferences that I have attended since 1995. It was not just that the bright snow and clear skies of January were replaced by bare ski slopes and a gloomy May drizzle. Rather, it was that a forum traditionally committed to championing globalisation was primarily concerned with globalisation's failures: broken supply chains, food- and energy-price inflation, and an intellectual-property (IP) regime that left billions without Covid-19 vaccines just so that a few drug companies could earn billions in extra profits.


Algorithms are our next weapon in fighting crime

News, Published on 25/05/2022

» We all tend to follow habits at work and in other aspects of our lives. Our habits usually reflect preferences, learning, or a combination of the two.


Have we hit the limits to growth?

News, Published on 23/05/2022

» Fifty years ago this spring, one of the most influential books of the twentieth century was published. Written for the Club of Rome by Donella Meadows and colleagues at MIT, The Limits to Growth used new computer models to forecast an uncontrollable collapse in the global population and economy if prevailing patterns of environmental resource use and pollution continued. Exponential economic growth could not go on forever; at some point in the next 100 years, it would inevitably run up against Earth's finite environmental limits.


War narrative a fable not fit for the times

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 09/05/2022

» We were talking recently about how clever the Ukrainians had been to call the invading Russian troops "Orcs" even before all the atrocities in the Russian-occupied towns around Kyiv came to light. Then Tina said: "If Putin's troops are Orcs, then he must be Sauron."


Heritage is not soft power

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 02/05/2022

» Harvard University Professor Joseph Nye coined the term "soft power", or the ability to obtain preferred outcomes by attraction, rather than coercion or payment, in his book Bound To Lead in 1990. However, he has since seen his brainchild, scribbled out on his kitchen table, grow in scope of application and distance.



Giving kids a fair chance to learn

Oped, Published on 27/04/2022

» Last Saturday marked World Book Day, a day that celebrates reading -- one of the most effective tools of learning for young children during their formative years. Yet many children in Thailand, particularly those coming from poor and marginalised groups, are not given the tools and support they need to read and learn effectively.


Warning: It's blowing a hoolie out there

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/04/2022

» Part of the ceiling of our small carport was blown off by a freak gusting wind recently. No great drama but this minor incident served as a reminder of just how powerful the wind can be, even an insignificant "Bangkok gust". I am truly thankful not to have experienced tornadoes like those in the US which must be terrifying.



Cooperation key on Mekong issues

News, Published on 04/04/2022

» In the coming months, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) will host a unique competition for university students from our four member countries: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.