Search Result for “human rights”

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What will Asean be like come 2045?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 04/04/2023

» It is now official: the Asean Community's Post 2025 vision will be extended by another ten years from 2035 to 2045. Asean Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn revealed the 20-year vision in Bangkok last week, much to the surprise of diplomats and the local audience. The decision was taken at the 7th meeting of the High-Level Task Force on the Asean Community's Post-2025 Vision (HLTF-ACV) in March 19-20 in Belitung, Indonesia.



New world order starting in SE Asia

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 29/11/2022

» Right here, right now, the new international order is in the making. Because of the war in Ukraine, the divided world and its leaders had to rendezvous in Southeast Asia for nearly a week recently. Those with the stamina to last the duration have benefited the most from bilateral discussions, aired their new ideas and grievances, cemented new and old friendships and built one-on-one rapport and relations. Many valuable lessons can be drawn from the three summits to which Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand played host.



Three summits jointly boost centrality

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/11/2022

» Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand with distinctive styles of leadership and diplomatic finesse have succeeded in performing the most difficult somersault in international relations by uniting concerned parties from all sides over the Ukraine war to agree to disagree and then agree to agree. Bravo to the trio of Asean members for the outstanding success. A task that seemed impossible just a few weeks ago suddenly became a possibility. Indeed, if global leaders had some humility like the leaders in this part of the world, the outcome of these regional summits could serve as a stepping stone for peace and stability in the wider world. Southeast Asia could even shape the new international order in the making, as the hosts of three summits -- Asean, G20, and Apec -- have demonstrated.



Pondering Asean's future beyond 2025

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/04/2022

» Beyond 2025, what will Asean be like? Will the grouping become less relevant as many political pundits often predict? What are existential threats to Asean? Is Asean going to expand its membership? How can we make Asean a more inclusive organisation? Can Asean make effective decisions faster in response to a crisis? Will Asean be able to navigate the competition between the superpowers?



Cambodia: Asean's spoiler or saviour?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 04/01/2022

» Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will be the Tatmadaw's first guest of honour in Nay Pyi Taw this weekend. Whatever the outcome of his two-day trip, it will have both intended and unintended consequences for the future of the Asean process, especially the five-point consensus (FPC). For nearly a year since the coup on Feb 1, Asean has assumed the role of peacemaker, going strictly by the book to ensure that the crisis in Myanmar would come to an end through the grouping's agency and good practices.



Can Hun Manet deliver in the top job?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/12/2021

» It has taken Prime Minister Hun Sen almost a decade to announce his political successor, which he did on Dec 2. At first, he has in mind at least four choices -- the first pair comprising his two sons, Hun Manet and Hun Many and the second pair of senior colleagues, Sar Kheng and Say Chumm of Cambodia People's Party. Then, he decided to focus on the first pair.



Thailand-UN at 75: Peace and security

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 07/12/2021

» There are a few things at which Thailand has excelled at the United Nations: Multilateralism, South-South cooperation, social development, women's empowerment, drug control, peace-keeping and global health security to name a few. But one notable achievement is the country's attempt to rid the world of dangerous nuclear weapons, very much to the chagrin of powerful allies and friends.



Boosting human rights in Thailand

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/10/2021

» Thailand's human rights record will be the subject of global scrutiny on Nov 10. The members of the UN Human Rights Council will examine the country's performance during its third universal periodic review (UPR). It will be an extraordinary event for Thailand as it is battling both domestic political turmoil and the coronavirus pandemic, which has allegedly led to numerous unwarranted violations of human rights.



We must end torture in all its forms

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 21/09/2021

» The whole country has been shocked by a video clip of a rogue police officer torturing a drug suspect to death last month. The Thai public generally know and accept that the Thai police are not good cops but to watch them from their living rooms so blatantly torturing a man was a bit too much. The drama helped lawmakers pass the draft bill on prevention and suppression of torture and enforced disappearances last week without any objection; that same bill that was quickly dismissed in the parliamentary debate some six years ago.



US-Thai Cobra Gold drills wither at 40

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/08/2021

» The 40th iteration of Cobra Gold (CG), which ended last week, was supposed to be the best year ever for the four-decades-old Thai and US joint military exercises. But it was not to be. Blame it on the Covid-19 pandemic or the menace of smartphones and social media spreading fake news about the true nature of the region's largest multinational military exercise.