Search Result for “baht currency”

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Thailand wants faster inflation

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 06/06/2024

» It's hard to find a leader anywhere these days who will argue the case for faster inflation. Politicians would rather drink hemlock than call for a renewed acceleration; they are often too busy nodding sympathetically at what their opponents call a cost-of-living crisis. But there is a kingdom where calling for more elevated prices, sooner, isn't off limits. In fact, the government embraces the concept.



Securing Thailand's energy future

Oped, Published on 22/05/2024

» Since the 2021 military coup in Myanmar, foreign governments -- in particular the European Union and the United States, have issued travel bans and frozen the financial assets of corporate entities and individuals involved with the military regime. The most recent US financial sanction on the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (Moge), a major source of foreign currency revenue for the military government, which took effect in November 2023, is a potential risk to Thailand as it is reliant on gas from Myanmar for electricity generation.



Stark reality behind economic figures

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 16/05/2024

» At the time of writing this, the official Q1 GDP has not been announced by the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC). I expect the growth figure will be around 1.2%. My own estimation, using the Output Approach and actual sectoral production index, gives a growth figure of 0.98%. Detailed data are in the below table.


Why EU Day matters for Thailand

Oped, Published on 09/05/2024

» The European Union was born out of war to prevent war in the future between historic enemies. After World War II many European leaders wanted to try a new form of international cooperation to break out of the cycle of war which had dogged Europe every 50 years or so, going back through the centuries. Following the declaration by French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, on May 9, 1950, six countries agreed henceforth to manage jointly between them the industries needed to wage war -- coal, iron, steel -- instead of continuing to manage them purely nationally.



Handout difficult without BoT's help

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 18/04/2024

» The purpose of this article is to educate the public about the real issue of the digital wallet scheme. The issue is not "HOW to get the 500 billion baht?" but "Is there 500 billion baht AVAILABLE to be borrowed?"


Sanctions need global governance

Oped, Published on 12/04/2024

» As Russia's war against Ukraine has entered its third year, Western governments are finding it increasingly difficult to muster the funding Ukraine needs to defend itself. The European Union struggled to reach a €50 billion (1.9 trillion baht) aid deal in February, and the United States remains deadlocked over its own US$60 billion (about 2.2 trillion baht) funding package. Now, calls to use Russia's own assets to fund the Ukrainian war effort are growing louder.



'Brain drain' follows military coup

News, Published on 08/04/2024

» Three years after the coup on Feb 1, 2021, the Myanmar military government, aka the "Tatmadaw", has suffered significant losses as a result of the 1027 operation by the Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BTA), which started in October.



China, India: 2 faces of liquidity

News, Andy Mukherjee, Published on 31/01/2024

» Lenders in the world's two most populous nations are having very different problems with monetary and fiscal taps. In China, creditors are drowning in cheap central bank cash, but loan demand is muted. In India, banks are in the middle of their fastest expansion in a decade, but they're parched for liquidity.



HK has a new breed of stressed money seekers

News, Shuli Ren, Published on 05/01/2024

» Just when people started to give up on Hong Kong's relevance as a financial hub, a new breed of money seekers is coming to town.



2024 GDP forecast is wishful thinking

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 14/12/2023

» If one thinks 2023 was a not-so-good year for the Thai economy because GDP growth is likely below 2%, 2024 could be worse owing to three major economic risks: liquidity inadequacy, high gasoline price, and high electricity cost.