Search Result for “allowed”

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Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 29/01/2016

» My grandfather passed away when I was eight, and while I can’t remember much about his funeral, I remember thinking all of my aunties looked a bit odd without their usual make-up and hairdos. They told me they weren’t allowed to dress up while mourning.



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 18/12/2015

» Recently, newspapers in Thailand are all about one corruption scandal after another. It's as if politicians and authorities are holding their own, not-very-good-looking version of The Face Thailand -- dramas unfold every week, backs are stabbed and people are gotten rid of.



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 11/12/2015

» I am not a pet person. I don’t hate animals, but the idea of being responsible for the life of a creature that cannot tell me what he wants kind of scares me. But by twisted fate, one day my sister brought home a puppy. And then we were stuck with him.




Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 03/07/2015

» As a part of my glamorous, coveted job, I am in contact with about 100 PR representatives per day. OK, maybe five, but still. While most of them are pleasant and send me food on a regular basis, I've had my share of traumatising experiences that I can't seem shake out of my pretty head. I'm not just talking about PR people exclusively — the young(er) generation of office workers can also drive office aunties like me up the wall.



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/06/2015

» Eating is so basic and instinctive, yet modern-day crazies have made it oh-so-complicated. It's associated with health, wealth, manners, character, knowledge, karma — the list goes on.




Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 19/06/2015

» What's the easiest and quickest way to get a bikini body?




Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 05/06/2015

» OK. Wow. This is surreal. After reading the Guru editor's note for a decade, here I am writing one!



Counterfeits go counterless

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 14/03/2015

» In the recent past, luxury products were seen as displays of wealth. Today, it could only mean the person knows the right Instagram account offering counterfeit bags and shoes. Such stores have grown by leaps and bounds over recent years, along with the rise in online shopping.



Mothers of invention

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 31/01/2015

» Baby products have evolved significantly over the past decade, from beds, baths and bottles to a whole new range of things — organic teething biscuits, baby shoes that promote healthy foot development, developmental toys, and many more products. Needs have grown more diverse, and parents are no longer happy with standard products. For example, they don’t just buy a feeding bottle — they want BPA-free anti-colic natural polypropylene bottles.



Web of danger

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 26/01/2015

» The recently imposed ban on an Instagram account of a child celebrity sparked a debate on issues ranging from child protection and parental egos to online security. Two weeks ago the account of Wanmai, four-year-old sister of a well-known actor, was threatened with shutdown by the social media site. Thousands of her "followers" expressed their disagreement, even anger, with not just the announcement but also Instagram's minimum-age policy.