Search Result for “Washington”

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Thailand's Big Brother is upping the ante

Oped, Thana Boonlert, Published on 06/08/2022

» In the late 18th century, British philosopher Jeremy Bentham visited his younger brother, Samuel, in Russia, who arranged unskilled factory workers in a circle so that he could supervise them. Inspired by this principle, Bentham developed "the panopticon", an inspection tower surrounded by cells. Its uniqueness was that it enabled a watchman to monitor prisoners without them knowing they were being watched.



Expats welcome Biden's victory

News, Thana Boonlert, Published on 16/11/2020

» After four turbulent years under US president Donald Trump, American expatriates in Bangkok are saying the victory of president-elect Joe Biden promises to bring back some "normality" to their lives.



US turns focus to South China Sea

News, Thana Boonlert, Published on 14/07/2020

» Last week, US army chief of staff Gen James McConville visited Thailand to strengthen the 65-year-old military alliance, culminating in the signing of the Strategic Vision Statement. Early this month, China held a five-day naval drill near the contested Paracel Islands. Then the US carried out military exercises in the waterway showing support for the free and open Indo-Pacific, as the South China Sea has been subject to overlapping claims by many countries, including China.



AFS students trickle home

News, Thana Boonlert, Published on 02/04/2020

» The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has assured parents of Thai exchange students stranded in the United States that they will return to Thailand this month, as the US notches up the most confirmed cases globally at 189,000-plus.


US losing clout in the region, new survey shows

News, Thana Boonlert, Published on 09/02/2020

» China has risen to be the most dominant economic and political power in the region, overtaking the United States' waning influence under the Trump administration, a recent State of Southeast Asia survey showed.



Thanathorn adamant he will not flee court case

Thana Boonlert, Published on 19/07/2019

» Future Forward Party leader Thanathorn reiterated on Friday he would not flee from his court case and said his recent visit to Europe and America was to build up a political network and inform people of the situation in Thailand.