Search Result for “Syria”

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Here's an idea

Oped, Postbag, Published on 14/06/2023

» Re: "Organic law probe could doom Pita", (BP, June 11).


Syria: The rehabilitation of dictator Assad

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 17/05/2023

» There is no justice. Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian dictator whose membership even the Arab League suspended 12 years ago, is off to Riyadh this week to celebrate his re-admission to the organisation. He will pay no price for his many crimes against humanity: the name of the game now is not retribution but 'rehabilitation'.


Creating pathways for Arab youth

Oped, Published on 17/05/2023

» Optimism can be difficult to muster at a time of heightened uncertainty and global turmoil. The 2022 ASDA'A BCW Arab Youth Survey, conducted only a few months after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and on the heels of the Covid-19 pandemic, reflected a darkening economic outlook.



Building bridges from Asia to Africa the right way

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 29/04/2023

» The quest to build bridges between Asia and Africa is longstanding. A Chinese Admiral -- Zheng He -- led a series of voyages from East Asia to East Africa, down to Kenya and possibly Zanzibar, from the year 1405. The ships he navigated were enormous -- about 400 feet long and 100 feet wide (122 metres by 30.5m) -- especially when compared with Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria, which was about 70 feet long. For centuries, people have also migrated and traded between the two regions.



US Summit for Democracy: A vital self-serving tool?

News, Published on 10/04/2023

» The White House organised the second so-called Summit for Democracy on March 29–30. The US administration co-hosted the second "Summit for Democracy" with Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea and Republic of Zambia.



To reconstruct Turkey, rebuild its democracy

Oped, Published on 04/04/2023

» The devastating earthquakes that killed more than 50,000 people in Turkey (and at least 7,000 in northern Syria) in February have exposed deep-rooted problems in the run-up to potentially epochal presidential and parliamentary elections on May 14. Turkey, it is now clear, needs more than a change of government; it needs a fundamental transformation of its politics and economy. That means confronting the hugely powerful construction lobby and attempting to rebuild the country's flailing democracy.


Global crises put China at an advantage

Oped, Published on 31/03/2023

» As they say, you can't make this up. In the course of just over a week, China and Russia reaffirmed their friendship and military ties, the Iranian regime proxies lashed out with rockets at US forces in neighbouring Syria, North Korea shot off a few more missiles, France was rocked by serious rioting, all to the backdrop of what could well be a global banking crisis sending financial shockwaves from Silicon Valley to Switzerland.



Taking risks and supporting local governance

Oped, Published on 24/03/2023

» A recent paper, prepared jointly by Chatham House and the Center on International Cooperation at New York University, estimated that close to 50% of the populations living in fragile and conflict-affected states were in contexts "where relations between a significant number of international actors and national authorities are estranged". Rather than being an outlier, Myanmar is tragically part of a new normal.



Child refugees deserve better

News, Editorial, Published on 19/03/2023

» Thailand, a predominantly Buddhist country, takes pride in having compassion as a core societal value. Thus, how astonishing the contradiction that it is the only nation that officially refuses to aid child refugees.



UN slams Russia but war slogs on

Oped, Published on 01/03/2023

» Now a year after Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the UN General Assembly firmly and sternly rebuked Russia's brutal war against a sovereign country. With a thumping majority of 141 in favour, only 7 against and 32 abstentions, the assembly again issued a non-binding resolution demanding Russia's military withdrawal from Ukraine and calling for a "comprehensive, just and lasting peace".