Search Result for “Syria”

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UN turns blind eye to terrorism

Oped, Published on 20/09/2024

» Last month, the United Nations observed the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism with a poignant exhibit at its New York headquarters. However, the display was notably incomplete, as it failed to acknowledge any acts of terrorism against Israelis. This omission was particularly glaring given the horrific mass attack by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad last October, which resulted in 1,125 deaths and over 250 hostages.


Deportations and walls in the US and Europe

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 31/08/2024

» Fortress America and Festung Europa (Fortress Europe) are just starting to take shape; bare outlines of what they will have grown into ten years from now. But the trend is almost unstoppable, and it will be very ugly when it's finished.


Kabul collapse emboldened global despots

News, Published on 16/08/2024

» The collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban three years ago on Aug 15 signalled an inflection point on the geopolitical scene. While the appalling stupidity of the Biden/Harris administration's botched and humiliating withdrawal of US forces from this South Asian land stained and sullied the reputation of the United States, the fiasco equally opened the floodgates to the deluge of refugees fleeing the toppled Afghan government in Kabul.


Netanyahu's game crossing all the red lines

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 06/08/2024

» Democrats in the United States and most people who are paying attention elsewhere in the world were greatly relieved when President Joe Biden quit his re-election campaign two weeks ago and let Vice-President Kamala Harris run instead. They don't really know much about her, but they know she is not Donald Trump.


Who benefits from Bangladesh's strife?

Oped, Published on 03/08/2024

» Domestic peace and stability have been the key to national progress in every part of the world. Growth of civilisation and prosperity of the West had been possible due to political stability and social harmony.


Ukraine hospitals are targets of war

Oped, Published on 20/07/2024

» 'I'm not hurt! I'm alive!" I hear my father's agitated voice over the phone. The day is July 8, when 38 Russian missiles attacked Ukraine. Several of them hit Kyiv residential areas. Even though I live in Kyiv and get used to air-raid alerts, it's just hard to believe it's my family's turn now to become part of the target of the Russian missiles. "There was an attack. It's our building. I think someone was killed. I've got to go," my father hangs up, leaving me completely lost.



Multilateralism in a fractured world

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 06/06/2024

» Multilateralism lies at the heart of international relations as an enabler of states to converge in an ever-changing world. It is closely linked with the United Nations (UN), setting in motion a rules-based system, embracing international peace and security anchored on international law.


Protests of both despair and conflict in Gaza

Oped, Published on 30/05/2024

» These are crazy times. Biblical disturbances in nature, such as the repeated torrential rain in Dubai or the mass fish die-off in Vietnam's overheated reservoir, seem to mirror our overheated politics and social environment.



Hazy geopolitics means Sudan conflict rages unseen

News, Peter Apps, Published on 28/05/2024

» Video released by Sudan's rebel Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Wednesday shows the last few vehicles of aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres evacuating al-Fashir, the largest city in North Darfur, watched by the gunmen who have besieged the city and appear intent to overrun it altogether.


A small Slovak assassination bid; few hurt

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 21/05/2024

» Madeleine Albright, the former US Secretary of State, once called Slovakia "the black hole at the heart of Europe", which seems a harsh judgement on five million Slovaks. The assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico was alarming, but we can narrow the problem down to a more specific group of people.