Search Result for “News Agencies and Post Reporters”

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Those acronyms can be bit of a pain

Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/05/2024

» One of my pet peeves with newspapers around the globe has always been the proliferation of acronyms, especially in headlines. Apart from the fact that no one really has the faintest idea what they stand for there's something about them that's just plain ugly.



Tackling our precarious border scenario

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/12/2023

» While the international community is focusing on the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, another humanitarian crisis is taking place along Thailand's western front as the clashes between Myanmar's government and ethnic armed groups intensify.



Asean broadens its geopolitical profile

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 18/07/2023

» Asean's geopolitical profile has significantly expanded under Indonesia's chairmanship, especially regarding the bloc's external relations with the great powers. Jakarta might be found wanting in its addressing of the Myanmar crisis, but that's understandable given the complexity of the stakeholders involved both on the battlefield and beyond.



How tyrants use tech to spy on us all

News, Published on 08/02/2023

» Parmy Olson: You're the co-authors of a new book, Pegasus: How a Spy In Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy, which tells the story of Pegasus, a powerful spyware developed by the Israeli cybersecurity firm NSO Group. In recent years, a range of governments around the world purchased this technology, allowing them to gain remote-control access to people's mobile phones without their knowledge. In 2020, a secret source leaked a list to your team of investigative journalists in Paris that contained 50,000 phone numbers that NSO Group's clients wanted to spy on. Among the names on the list were French president Emmanuel Macron, the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi and a raft of journalists, including your own colleagues.



No end to the scams

Oped, Editorial, Published on 22/09/2022

» Those who expect the government and financial regulatory bodies to have quick and strong safeguards to protect wide-eyed investors from Ponzi schemes and hustlers: prepare for a letdown. The latest tit-for-tat this week among the ministries responsible suggests that people will have to wait for a solution, or simply just safeguard themselves.



A tale of two cities, as Xi Jinping visits Hong Kong

Oped, Published on 01/07/2022

» 'Manhattan meets Hawaii." That's how I described Hong Kong to outsiders when I first moved here 7 years ago, dazzled by glittering skyscrapers ringing lush green mountains next to the sea.



Covid no excuse for media curbs

News, Editorial, Published on 02/01/2022

» The year 2021 will be remembered as a pivotal moment for the Thai media as it faced challenges from Big Brother-esque controls exerted by the government.


Autocracy stymies study freedom

Oped, Published on 10/05/2021

» Academic freedom is one of the less discussed dimensions of freedom of expression, in comparison to press freedom and freedom of internet users. However, it has recently been thrust into public debate across Asia. As autocracy strengthens across the region, academic freedoms concurrently have deteriorated.



PM must temper anger

Oped, Editorial, Published on 11/03/2021

» When a person is highly agitated or angry, they might quickly lose their temper and probably resort to an inappropriate action.



History not on the side of Gen Prayut

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 23/10/2020

» In the face of sustained and broad-based student-led street protests demanding his resignation, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha remains defiant and determined to soldier on. He has even admonished his critics and detractors by flatly rejecting resignation and asking "What have I done wrong?" Such a provocative and self-righteous question deserves a frontal answer.