Search Result for “Japan”

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Is China stockpiling resources in case of future war?

News, Published on 29/04/2024

» In the eastern Chinese port of Dongying, the start of 2024 has often seen several tankers docked simultaneously discharging Russian crude oil into a new 31.5-million-barrel storage facility completed late last year.


Navigating Thailand's energy transition

Oped, Published on 25/04/2024

» In Thailand’s National Energy Plan (NEP) — a blueprint outlining the country’s energy strategy from 2023 to 2037 — a small portion of nuclear energy is included as one form of alternative energy.


The future of Bangkok-Dhaka ties

Oped, Published on 25/04/2024

» With Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina having arrived in Bangkok to attend the eightieth session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (Escap) from April 24-29, the stage is set for Bangladesh and Thailand to embark on a journey of enhanced cooperation.



US readiness for war -- watch its Navy missile policy

News, Peter Apps, Published on 19/04/2024

» In October 2022 a US destroyer and supply ship pulled alongside each other in San Diego harbour to attempt something the Pentagon had never tried before -- reloading missiles on a US warship at sea rather than tied up alongside a pier.


International challenges demand action

Oped, Published on 18/04/2024

» It's not often an American ally addresses the US Congress, but when they do, it's time to listen. That was the case on April 12 when Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke before a joint session of Congress in Washington to both thank America for its post-war friendship and to reaffirm the continuing political and strategic partnership between Japan and the US.



Thai-EU free trade deal on the horizon

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/04/2024

» If everything goes as planned, Thailand and the EU could sign a free trade agreement by mid-next year, in what is another example of the European Union's increasing engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.



Solar geoengineering won't help

News, Published on 15/04/2024

» At the most recent United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), held in Nairobi, African countries took a strong stand against potential new technologies that, if developed, could tip an already disrupted climate into chaos.


Sanctions need global governance

Oped, Published on 12/04/2024

» As Russia's war against Ukraine has entered its third year, Western governments are finding it increasingly difficult to muster the funding Ukraine needs to defend itself. The European Union struggled to reach a €50 billion (1.9 trillion baht) aid deal in February, and the United States remains deadlocked over its own US$60 billion (about 2.2 trillion baht) funding package. Now, calls to use Russia's own assets to fund the Ukrainian war effort are growing louder.



Southeast Asian banks must stop funding coal

Oped, Published on 11/04/2024

» Indonesia is by far a major top producer of dangerous climate emissions -- more than any country in the Southeast Asian region, mainly due to its burning of coal. The country is also feeling the full force of worsening climate disasters, from floods and storms to deadly landslides. My hometown, Jakarta, is sinking -- and this is compounded by regular catastrophic flooding and air pollution that disrupts millions of lives. Indonesia faces huge risks as it currently sits as the second most disaster-prone country in the world, according to the World Risk Report 2023.



Implications of an ageing population

Oped, Daniel Moss, Published on 11/04/2024

» Thailand is racing to both revive -- and renovate -- the economy, bringing with it profound social changes. Infamous for its role in Asia's financial meltdown a generation ago, the country is today running headlong into a hurdle confronting the region: a dwindling and greying population.