Search Result for “Indonesia-US trade”

Showing 91 - 100 of 313



End plastic waste trade for a healthier future

News, Published on 09/11/2020

» New trade deals heighten fears that countries in Africa and small island developing states may become the world's next dumping ground for plastic waste. Trade agreements cannot ignore environmental commitments.



Time to upgrade Asean-EU relationship

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 03/11/2020

» Today, Americans will go to the polls to elect their 46th president. It doesn't matter who the next president will be, the incumbent Donald Trump or his challenger, Joe Biden. Why? As far as Indo-Pacific region is concerned, the die has been cast due to the strategic competition between the two superpowers, the US and China. Therefore, the presidential outcome and impact on the global stage remain unchanged. New rhetoric and approaches might be generated but that would be it.



Suga seeks alliance with Indonesia, Vietnam

Oped, Published on 28/10/2020

» Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga recently visited Vietnam and Indonesia with a view to pursuing the East Asian powers' "free and open Indo-Pacific" strategy.



The more the merrier in Indo-Pacific

News, Published on 29/09/2020

» As of last week, there are at least 8 distinctive cooperative frameworks relating to the Indo-Pacific region, which reflects the region's growing economic and strategic importance within the rapidly-changing international stage. While the definition of the region itself still varies from country to country -- ranging from the loosely-defined areas between the Indian and Pacific oceans, to more specific delineations covering Africa's west coast, South Asia, the Pacific and the United States' east coast -- they all agree that this vast geographical area will emerge as a battleground of the New World Order. All major powers, regardless of size and location, want in.



Will Asean end up going greener after Covid-19?

Oped, Published on 22/08/2020

» Green recovery. Social protection. Smart containment. Decarbonisation. Putting progress in climate action at par with measuring GDP. Creative capacity.



Australia walks a political tightrope

News, Published on 04/08/2020

» No country has ever been so loyal to the United States as Australia. The nation has unfailingly supported American foreign policy both during and since the Cold War era, protecting its national interests and security. Unfortunately, the strategic environment that allowed the US-Australia alliance to flourish has gradually eroded over the past two decades.



Crisis gives businesses chance to shine

Oped, Published on 15/07/2020

» As Thailand's travel and hospitality businesses continue to face unprecedented challenges, there remains a chance for business leaders to shine. Many of the largest companies in the tourism sector have long touted their commitment to a wide range of stakeholders that have supported them, including local communities that provided staff, service and products.



Asean unity in the age of coronavirus

News, Published on 30/06/2020

» The opening ceremony of the 36th Asean Summit in Hanoi last Friday, attended by a roomful of local and foreign dignitaries, was a definite "ooh-aah" moment for Vietnam, which has been successful in mitigating the spread of coronavirus. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc was brimming with confidence as he gave his opening remarks, which were transmitted via teleconference to his nine Asean colleagues, some of whose countries are still in partial lockdowns.



Asean must walk the walk

Oped, Editorial, Published on 26/06/2020

» Today, leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) are set to "meet" at a virtual summit, a format the grouping adopted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic which has led to enormous challenges but also an opportunity.



Demonopolise, decentralise to recover

Oped, Published on 17/06/2020

» Thailand is staggering back to life. The public health system has done a superb job. But the rest of the world is still in a mess. And that affects us.