Search Result for “Indonesia-US trade”

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Sustainable ways to wipe out hunger by 2030

Oped, Published on 13/11/2021

» In 2015, 193 countries gathered at the United Nations and pledged to end global hunger by 2030 as part of the Agenda for Sustainable Development. With less than a decade to go, prospects for achieving this goal appear bleak. Improving them will require governments and the private sector to address the global food and environmental crises simultaneously.



Thailand shows lack of commitment at COP26

News, Danny Marks, Published on 08/11/2021

» In the past decade, climate-related extreme weather events have wreaked havoc upon Thailand. Ten years ago, Thailand faced its worst ever flooding which killed more than 800 and caused over 1.4 trillion baht in damage.



Asean leaders face off with big powers

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/10/2021

» In Bandar Seri Begawan, whether Asean leaders decide to upgrade China and Australia's dialogue status to comprehensive strategic partnership (CSP) this week or defer it to a later date will be a weather vane of the bloc's future engagement and management with the great powers, especially over the ripple effects of the US-China rivalry and potential military build-up.


Will China actually ever invade Taiwan?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 13/10/2021

» China's President Xi Jinping promised on Saturday that "The historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland... will definitely be fulfilled." That was a threat to Taiwan, but a threat without a deadline. However Chinese state media, in the form of the ever-rabid Global Times, warned that war "could be triggered at any time".



Aukus pact raises geopolitical tensions

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 08/10/2021

» In less than a month, the trilateral security partnership among Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom (Aukus) has stolen the thunder from other geostrategic schemes that have been around for over a decade.



Biden's pivot to free, open Indo-Pacific

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 03/09/2021

» If former United States President Barack Obama is known for his "pivot to Asia" geostrategy and President Donald Trump for the Free and Open Indo-Pacific, there is now a geostrategic synthesis under President Joe Biden. It can be aptly called the US "pivot to the Free and Open Indo-Pacific".



Thai economy out of sync, out of sight?

Oped, Pavida Pananond, Published on 27/08/2021

» The changing nature of globalisation, compounded by pandemic-induced disruptions require a rethink of Thailand's place and direction in the global economy. Already hampered by pre-Covid trends of global slowdown in trade and investment, the economy is facing tougher challenges as the pandemic has forced multinational companies to reconsider their supply chain configuration. The changing contours of the global economy on the one hand and ongoing political tensions at home that have delayed much-needed structural reforms on the other are becoming a perfect storm that could blow away Thailand's chances of maintaining its once central role in Southeast Asia's economic dynamism.



Turkey ready to build future with Southeast Asia

Oped, Published on 07/08/2021

» Asia, the cradle of some of the oldest civilisations, has again been gaining a pivotal role on the world scene. As home to the youngest populations and the most dynamic economies in the world, the centre of gravity of the global economy has shifted towards Asia.



In Mekong region, drug trade thrives

Oped, Johanna Son, Published on 15/07/2021

» An example of a resilient business model in hard times? Indeed, except that this describes how the synthetic drug industry has been expanding in East and Southeast Asia, home to the Mekong region which is the manufacturing and trafficking hub that supplies illicit drugs that reach not just the wider Asia but the globe.



Russia is back and it's a little bit better

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 13/07/2021

» Make no mistake, Russia is back in Southeast Asia, the region where its former empire reigned during the Cold War. This time, Russia is more sophisticated and more assertive, as another global power that can shift and change the present strategic environment in the most visible way. Today Russia is determined to break US-led sanctions and further integrate its economy with the region's economic dynamics.