Search Result for “costs”

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Being protectionist and world leader isn't possible

News, Published on 31/05/2024

» President Joe Biden likes to call the United States "the indispensable nation". By that, he means that America is the only power simultaneously mighty and benevolent enough to preserve whatever is left of a liberal order -- one in which rules and multilateral institutions govern, among other things, a system of relatively free international finance and trade.


Beyond the hype: Gauging AI's true economic impact

Oped, Published on 30/05/2024

» According to tech leaders and many pundits and academics, artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to transform the world as we know it through unprecedented productivity gains. While some believe that machines soon will do everything humans can do, ushering in a new age of boundless prosperity, other predictions are at least more grounded. For example, Goldman Sachs predicts that generative AI will boost global GDP by 7% over the next decade, and the McKinsey Global Institute anticipates that the annual GDP growth rate could increase by 3-4 percentage points between now and 2040. For its part, The Economist expects that AI will create a blue-collar bonanza.



How green is the energy from our hydro dams?

Oped, Published on 29/05/2024

» Thailand’s National Energy Plan (NEP), a blueprint for the country’s energy strategy from 2023 to 2037, has earned praise for its noble goal of increasing the use of clean, renewable energy. The plan states that by 2050, half of the electricity consumed locally must be clean and renewable energy — solar cells, wind, biomass, small nuclear and hydro dams.


Europe's carbon border tax fights climate change

Oped, Jeffrey Frankel, Published on 29/05/2024

» The European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), officially launched in October, now requires importers to report on the direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embedded in the goods they import. Beginning in January 2026, the EU will start imposing tariffs on imports from countries that do not price carbon at the bloc's market rate, which could significantly affect carbon-intensive producers among its trading partners.


The rise of the 'Finternet' reality

Oped, Published on 28/05/2024

» The financial system is ready for a giant leap forward. It's time to explore new frontiers. We foresee a time when applying for a mortgage or a small business loan could be as easy as texting a friend or booking a hotel room online.


Divestment from Israel will not bring peace

News, Published on 27/05/2024

» The Oct 7 terrorist attack by Hamas has rightly generated enormous sympathy for the people of Israel, especially given Jews' history of persecution, culminating in the Holocaust. But the plight of civilians in Gaza since the attack is horrifying as well. Both sides need to support an immediate cessation of hostilities, followed by good-faith efforts to address the underlying issues.


The high costs of new US tariffs on Chinese EVs

Published on 25/05/2024

» US President Joe Biden’s administration has just announced 100% tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) manufactured in China, prompting Donald Trump to promise a 200% tariff on Chinese cars made in Mexico if he is elected in November. Neither policy would have notable effects on the US car market because imports of Chinese EVs are minuscule, owing to past tariffs and the anti-Chinese sentiment that has gripped the country in recent years. Nonetheless, the announcement is significant for three reasons.


The high costs of new US tariffs on Chinese EVs

Oped, Published on 25/05/2024

» US President Joe Biden’s administration has just announced 100% tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) manufactured in China, prompting Donald Trump to promise a 200% tariff on Chinese cars made in Mexico if he is elected in November. Neither policy would have notable effects on the US car market because imports of Chinese EVs are minuscule, owing to past tariffs and the anti-Chinese sentiment that has gripped the country in recent years. Nonetheless, the announcement is significant for three reasons.



Yesterday’s shadow

Oped, Postbag, Published on 25/05/2024

» Re: “Court to hear Srettha case”, (BP, May 24) and “Thailand’s judiciary face challenges”, (Opinion, May 24). Prof Thitinan Pongsudhirak’s biting comments on the judiciary’s influence on the lifeline of an elected prime minister are most justified based on past events. For the coming challenge facing our Constitutional Court, it is different from the past. The court’s 5-4 vote not suspending PM Srettha’s lifeline before he has the chance of defence is laudable.



PM bitten by travel bug

Oped, Editorial, Published on 25/05/2024

» Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin was set to conclude his overseas trips to France, Italy and Japan on Friday amid questions, if not criticism, over the real benefits they will bring the country.