Search Result for “UN”

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UN turns blind eye to terrorism

Oped, Published on 20/09/2024

» Last month, the United Nations observed the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism with a poignant exhibit at its New York headquarters. However, the display was notably incomplete, as it failed to acknowledge any acts of terrorism against Israelis. This omission was particularly glaring given the horrific mass attack by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad last October, which resulted in 1,125 deaths and over 250 hostages.



Tracking air quality the right way

News, Published on 19/09/2024

» Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) summarises global progress on malaria control. It details the number of cases in affected countries, shows year-on-year changes, outlines goals, and assesses the current funding landscape. The United Nations puts out a similar annual report for HIV/Aids. This regular tracking of serious public-health concerns is essential for addressing them effectively, because it can help channel resources to where they are most needed and identify interventions that are working.



Solving the Myanmar migrant surge

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/09/2024

» With the civil conflict in Myanmar showing no signs of abating soon, Thailand faces formidable challenges in irregular migration from the country. Without adequate and sustainable solutions, Thailand's overall development, including its economy, society, and security, will be seriously impacted.



Energy ghost resurrected

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/09/2024

» Each new government must apparently now have its own "flagship" energy policy.



Getting to root of the term 'food waste'

Oped, Published on 14/09/2024

» The global community has recognised "food waste" as a significant issue and has included it as part of Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) on sustainable production and consumption. One target of SDG 12 aims to halve global food waste at the retail and consumer levels by 2030.



Activists' fate awaits action

News, Editorial, Published on 02/09/2024

» Last Friday marked International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Unlike in the past, the return of a Shinawatra family member to Government House has rekindled hope the new prime minister will help locate political activists -- many of whom were affiliated with the red-shirt movement -- who disappeared in neighbouring countries like Cambodia and Laos.


Libya's unending crisis shows need to be prepared

Oped, Published on 29/08/2024

» Who remembers Libya? Who recalls how the US became embroiled in this civil war only then to quickly lose interest? But sadly Americans vividly remember Benghazi and the horrible loss of a US consulate, the death of a respected US diplomat, killing of three security personnel and the throwing of the American flag into the pyres of a failed policy.


Recommitting to pandemic preparedness

News, Published on 26/08/2024

» Four years ago, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, governments were scrambling to protect their populations and prevent an economic meltdown. No one would dispute that addressing this existential threat was the top political priority back then.


Kyiv looks to foster bilateral cooperation in Asia

Oped, Published on 24/08/2024

» Today, Ukraine celebrates the 33rd Anniversary of Independence -- a fight for which is still ongoing, as the people of Ukraine are determined to win this battle. Despite being dragged into an unprovoked and brutal war by Russia, the Ukrainian people believe in a bright future for our country, which shares commitments to the values of democracy, freedom and justice. Ukraine is confident in reaching peace and ousting the aggressor from its sovereign territory.



Uniting to end gender violence

News, Published on 22/08/2024

» In Southeast Asia, deeply ingrained traditional gender norms often designate women and girls as primary caretakers, leading to a stark gender imbalance in both household responsibilities and societal roles. This deeply embedded gender bias, along with the uneven distribution of unpaid care work, exacerbates the challenges women face, often trapping them in abusive situations and perpetuating a cycle of inequality and economic dependence. Over time, women's autonomy and decision-making power are eroded, increasing the risk of domestic violence -- a global crisis hidden in plain sight.