Search Result for “face masks”

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Touch-me-not travel

Business, Published on 12/05/2020

» As travel vaporises in the face of on-off lockdowns, airlines, airports and hotels are pondering the future of hospitality in these fluid and fearful socially distanced times. Professional hosts are examining how to safely distance yet offer hospitable warmth without turning everything into a set from 2001: A Space Odyssey.



Klong Toey's struggle amid virus

News, Dumrongkiat Mala, Published on 10/05/2020

» The new coronavirus disease pandemic has shaken the lives of everyone. Among those who are suffering most are children whose parents have lost their jobs amid the Covid-19 lockdowns and parents who want to see their offspring grow up with a good education.



The first week of "new normal"

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 08/05/2020

» Last Sunday, Covid-19 curbs have been eased as 13 types of businesses were allowed to reopen after a month-long halt while four airlines resume domestic flights to 14 provinces since last Friday. Markets, public parks, food shops, barbershops, pet groomers and more resume operations under safety conditions, giving us back a sense of quasi-normalcy. The silver lining is that more businesses may be reopened if the daily tally of Covid-19 remains low (keeping fingers and toes crossed). In case you want to head out this weekend, you can look forwards to this.



Viral innovations

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/05/2020

» This pandemic has revealed a lot of things. For starters, booze is apparently a necessity and we were this close to rioting on the streets when it seemed like the ban wasn't about to be lifted. People who didn't give a crap about others were exposed but thankfully that was overshadowed by news of people helping out and being kind, decent human beings. We've realised just how much we rely on those who deliver our food, how much we miss travelling and whether we like to admit it or not, we actually miss going to work. To top this, the ingenuity of people has also been revealed and a bunch of new innovations have been created to help out as we try and recover from this life-altering state. This week, we've got innovations from Thailand that have sprung up in response to Corona time.



TAT books

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 07/05/2020

» The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has celebrated its 60th anniversary by launching three special publications for free download.



Road to where?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 02/05/2020

» Re: "Cut govt some slack", (PostBag, April 29).



Covid-19 pushes plastic waste rise

News, Apinya Wipatayotin, Published on 24/04/2020

» Over the past year, Thais have become more aware of the impact of single-use plastics on the environment and joined hands to reduce its consumption. But as the country has been hit by the spread of Covid-19, forcing people to spend more time at home, the amount of plastic waste generated has surged by 15%.



Healing harmonies

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 22/04/2020

» Music can serve so much more than just entertainment to listeners. Music alone can affect emotions, it can be used as a medium to heal, encourage, allow people to share a message or bring awareness, where others can possibly connect with. The Covid-19 outbreak has inspired many local artists to create songs that aim to promote awareness of the virus, support and have empathy for the country's medical workers, and ease tensions through a historically stressful time.


Criminals exploiting 'fears of contagion'

News, Wassayos Ngamkham, Published on 21/04/2020

» The Crime Suppression Division (CSD) has seen its workload increase recently due to crimes related to the coronavirus pandemic, its chief warned yesterday.



Volunteers on the frontline

News, Thana Boonlert, Published on 20/04/2020

» Knocking on the door is a life-and-death mission for now. While medical staff are combating the coronavirus outbreak on the frontline, under-resourced village health volunteers are conducting house-to-house visits to monitor the health of community residents at their own risk.