Search Result for “Brexit”

Showing 41 - 50 of 130


Investors warm to a 'Blue Wave'

News, Published on 15/10/2020

» Just about the only market consensus all year on next month's US election was that it would be volatile around the vote -- but even that's turning upside down three weeks before polling.



Asean shows you can have your cake and eat it too

Oped, Published on 08/10/2020

» In justifying his Brexit posture, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, explained that, when it comes to the EU "cake", he was "pro having it and pro eating it". Cakeism also forms the approach of the 10 Asean countries to their own regional arrangement.



New dynamics of Asean's external ties

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 01/09/2020

» Before Brexit, very few people in this part of the world would have imagined that the United Kingdom would leave the European Union, then immediately want to become the 11th Asean dialogue partner. Asean senior officials have already discussed the UK's prospects. They have yet to reach any consensus as it is not just about adding a former EU member but involves a plethora of issues that would come with the lifting of a moratorium that has been in place for 24 years. Some members are saying that admitting the UK, a former colonial master of four of the grouping's members, would open Pandora's Box with unknown consequences.


Hong Kong: The 'British' 3 million

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 08/07/2020

» We will grant BNOs five years' limited leave to remain [in the United Kingdom], with the right to work or study," British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the UK parliament on July 1. "After five years, they will be able to apply for settled status. After a further 12 month with settled status, they will be able to apply for citizenship."


Motive behind Russian vote is anyone's guess

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 01/07/2020

» 'The very existence of an opportunity for the current president (to be re-elected in 2024), given his major gravitas, would be a stabilising factor for our society," said Valentina Tereshkova, former Soviet cosmonaut, first woman in space, and now, at 83, a member of the Russian Duma (parliament).


Contagion death rates and doses of arrogance

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 29/04/2020

» Something has gone wrong in the "Anglosphere", as the English-speaking countries are known in some other parts of the world.



Brexit doesn't mean the European project is dead

News, Published on 11/02/2020

» Brexit is a disaster for the United Kingdom. Given the risk that it will now lose Scotland and Northern Ireland to secession, the country seems to have accepted the idea of Great Britain turning back into "Little England". Britain is that rare lion that chooses to become as small as a mouse.


What Brexit means for the EU and our partners

News, Published on 03/02/2020

» On Friday, the United Kingdom left the European Union. We lost a member of our family. It was a sad moment for us, for European citizens -- and, indeed, for many British citizens.


Brits can go back to their hot-water bottles

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/02/2020

» When Britain voted to leave the European Union in 2016, a Newsweek columnist likened it to "a bored nation sticking its fingers into a tempting-looking electrical socket just to see what happens". What happened was far from electrifying, but more than three years of mind-numbing debate and verbal jousting that left most people fed up with the whole thing.



One man holds Europe together as Brexit tears it apart

Published on 30/12/2019

» BRUSSELS: Michel Barnier, the European Union’s top Brexit negotiator, is the Brussels equivalent of a rock star. For three years, the unflappable 68-year-old Frenchman has been hashing out the terms of the UK’s departure while making sure the remaining 27 members stick together.