Search Result for “Sydney”

Showing 21 - 30 of 75


We should value what matters

Oped, Mariana Mazzucato, Published on 31/03/2022

» Care is the life-giving force that sustains health and well-being, binding together societies and ecologies. But everyday forms of care, though essential, are systematically undervalued. Most care is provided by women, whose contributions are celebrated on International Women's Day, even though they should be marked every day of the year.


How Melbourne rescheduled its entire future

Oped, Published on 01/12/2021

» Melbourne is not the most distinctive of Australia's cities. It does not have Sydney's sandy beaches or Brisbane's rugged, Crocodile Dundee appeal. Lying on a flat plain, crossed by a meandering river, it is an urban agglomeration of some 10,000 square kilometres -- six times the size of London -- consisting of a dense urban core surrounded by sprawling suburbs.



Digital nomads stuck in grey area

News, Editorial, Published on 21/11/2021

» The coronavirus pandemic has boosted the popularity of remote work, and if Thailand is interested in attracting the highest-paid digital workers to help boost the economy, it must legalise the practice to welcome these professionals.



Asean leaders face off with big powers

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/10/2021

» In Bandar Seri Begawan, whether Asean leaders decide to upgrade China and Australia's dialogue status to comprehensive strategic partnership (CSP) this week or defer it to a later date will be a weather vane of the bloc's future engagement and management with the great powers, especially over the ripple effects of the US-China rivalry and potential military build-up.



It is not the US's job to protect Taiwan from China

News, Published on 09/08/2021

» On Tuesday, July 27, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned the Chinese Communist Party to cease its aggressive operations in the Pacific. Speaking at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore, Mr Austin declared that the United States "will not flinch when our interests are threatened". One of these "interests", according to Mr Austin, involves the protection of Taiwan.



Luang Prabang Dam a threat to World Heritage?

News, Philip Hirsch, Published on 29/06/2021

» The Lao government is intent on building a dam on the Mekong just upstream of the country’s old royal capital. Despite the project having undergone design work, environmental impact assessment and a prior consultation process managed by the Mekong River Commission (MRC), no heritage impact assessment has been carried out to date — despite requests by Unesco’s World Heritage Centre dating back as far as 2012 that the Lao government should do so. Ahead of next month’s World Heritage Committee meeting in China, of which Thailand is a current member, Unesco has asked that no construction work go ahead on the dam until a full heritage assessment has been completed.


Expose Thamanat's story

News, Postbag, Published on 16/05/2021

» Re: "Opposition makes fresh attempt to oust Thamanat", (BP, May 13).


Thamanat 'dirt' splatters all over govt

Oped, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 11/05/2021

» The Constitutional Court's ruling has cleared the way for Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow but cast enormous doubts over his boss Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha.


Welcome to the year's merriest month

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/05/2021

» We are already in the merry month of May, not that there's much to be merry about these days.



Transboundary haze control lacks political will

Oped, Danny Marks, Published on 13/03/2021

» In January, I wrote about the effects of agricultural burning upon Bangkok, and now I want to address the problem in Chiang Mai. Earlier this week residents there suffered the worst air pollution in the entire world, with PM2.5 at very unhealthy levels. The pollution is responsible for already over 30,000 people visiting hospitals for respiratory illnesses this year.