Search Result for “year ago”

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Thai-EU free trade deal on the horizon

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/04/2024

» If everything goes as planned, Thailand and the EU could sign a free trade agreement by mid-next year, in what is another example of the European Union's increasing engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.



Asean juggles triangular power game

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 09/04/2024

» A rising China, a trusted Japan, and a declining America are three cogs dictating the global geopolitical landscape in Southeast Asia in the months, if not years, to come. Amidst intensifying geopolitics, Asean is in a position where this could either be a blessing or a curse.



Xi's visit signals better Sino-Vietnam ties

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/12/2023

» About 18 hours ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip here, at the Tam Vi, a Michelin-star Vietnamese restaurant, a group of young Chinese entrepreneurs were discussing the prospects of his historic visit on Dec 12-13.



Parnpree to diplomats: 'Don't give up'

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/11/2023

» 'Do not take no for an answer" could be the new hashtag for all Thai diplomats from now on. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahidha-Nukara instructed his lieutenants not to give up or allow themselves to be turned down too easily when they are pursuing a "proactive economic policy".



Asean mapping out a vision for 2045

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 15/08/2023

» Regional experts and scholars have been busy squeezing their brains to draft Asean's vision for the next two decades. They are already halfway there. However, a lot more needs to be done to ensure that the new Asean Community Post 2025 Vision, which will now run up to 2045, will fit the overall aspiration of Asean citizens, who currently number roughly 672 million.



Durian powers Sino-Thai friendship

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 04/07/2023

» When it comes to the evolution of Sino-Thai relations, one must put aside all the geopolitical determinants and even such subjects as the current Russia-Ukraine war, the ramifications of the US-China standoff and tourism. The topic is durian, which serves as the weathervane of their long-standing bilateral ties. The durian, known worldwide as the "King of Fruits", is more than just a sticky, thorny and, yes, smelly fruit; they also define the nature of the five-decade-old Sino-Thai relations.



Competitiveness affects Indonesia ties

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 27/06/2023

» Just two years ago, Thailand and Indonesia commemorated the 70th anniversary of relations, with both sides holding events to celebrate. Over the year, they mapped out various plans that would boost bilateral ties with the aim of establishing and hastening a "strategic partnership". These included strengthening political and economic relations, investment, as well as people-to-people exchanges. In particular, both countries would establish "High-Level Committees" in their law enforcement agencies, including the police and military, to counter common challenges such as narcotics, human trafficking and call centre scams. Then a month later came the Myanmar quagmire.



India overcomes leadership limitations

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 07/03/2023

» If anything, the outcome of the G20 foreign ministerial meeting was a good barometer of the true nature of India's potential as a global power. On its own turf, it still was not able to garner support from all the G20 members to agree on the joint ministerial statement last week. The host was very disappointed, given its recent success at the Bali summit last November. The harsh reality serves as a reminder of the prevailing geopolitical rivalry, which is getting worse by the day. Just a few months ago, India was hailed as a hero for playing a very important role in assisting the G20 host, Indonesia, to broker the G20 leaders' statement -- once described as an impossible task. Since then, New Delhi has been very proud of its political clout.



New Thai-Malaysia economic dynamics

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/02/2023

» Without any diplomatic pleasantries, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha kicked off bilateral talks last week with his Malaysian counterpart, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, by stating clearly that Thai-Malaysian ties have not been progressing very well. The opening remarks drew a big smile from Mr Anwar as a sign of appreciation. It immediately set the tone of his two-day visit.



Asean and Myanmar: The next moves

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 07/02/2023

» Last week, the new Asean chair, Indonesia, convened the first two important meetings -- the Asean Coordinating Council and Asean Foreign Ministers' Retreat -- to discuss and follow up on ongoing and emerging issues that have to do with the relevancy of Asean and its centrality.