Search Result for “women's football”

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Births of a nation

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/11/2023

» The government has pledged to tackle the low birth rate crisis, declaring it a national agenda item. Such a move is timely, if not long overdue, as Thailand has experienced a demographic imbalance for decades.



Video game competitions should be in Olympics

News, Adam Minter, Published on 30/09/2023

» The hottest sports ticket in the Asia-Pacific right now isn't for a soccer match, an NBA exhibition game or even a swim meet. It's for the medal event debut of competitive video gaming, or esports.



Rise of mixed-sex athletics will be good for sport

News, Published on 11/09/2023

» The assumption that an athlete's birth sex dictates his or her performance level has made transgender participation in sports a lightning rod -- but the issue is moot in a growing number of coed sports, from competitive sailing to pickleball to esports. And in the future, athletics are likely to evolve so that mixed-gender competition becomes much more common. That will lead to a rise in sports that are just as riveting, but more inclusive.



Stopping mangrove deforestation

Oped, Published on 26/07/2023

» Over the past 40 years, over 20% of mangroves globally were lost due to both human activities and natural retraction.



Pride of the nation

Oped, Editorial, Published on 18/05/2023

» Our national athletes competing in the 32nd SEA Games deserve a big round of applause. Their performances and sportsmanship in Phnom Penh have brought us pride and joy.



Righting the wrongs of development

News, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 27/03/2023

» A key issue with which the world community has had to grapple since the end of the Second World War is that of "development", especially from the angle of national and international measures to ensure responsiveness to the rights and needs of the peoples of the land, without discrimination and violence, and to overcome historical and other injustices.



Five years into Rohingya crisis, what's the plan?

Oped, Published on 26/08/2022

» Myanmar's violent ethnic cleansing programme, which forced roughly a million Rohingya Muslims into Bangladeshi refugee camps, marked its fifth anniversary yesterday.



Sports stadiums echo ancient divisions

Oped, Published on 20/08/2022

» More than 230 amphitheatres, among the largest and most memorable monuments left to us by the Romans, survive in cities from northern England to the banks of the Jordan River. The Romans built amphitheatres for more than 500 years in a range of sizes -- from a capacity of a few thousand to 50,000 in the Colosseum -- using a variety of techniques. The amphitheatre at Pompeii was built in the first century BCE by workers who excavated hillsides, placed terraced seating on the packed soil, and erected retaining walls to hold the rows of seats in place. The amphitheatre in Bordeaux was built nearly 300 years later as a freestanding oval fashioned out of brick, concrete, and cut stone.



Thailand's kookiest competitions

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 22/07/2022

» Every country has its own share of kooky competitions, and that's also true for Thailand. From the search for a Guanyin avatar to the Peta-would-surely-disapprove swimming competition, here are a few for your entertainment.



Are we witnessing Boris Johnson's last affair?

Oped, Published on 19/02/2022

» UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the enfant terrible of British politics, is currently embroiled in a very British scandal. As in the recent eponymous BBC television miniseries based on the infamous 1963 Argyll vs Argyll case, at stake is a high-profile divorce. But, this time, the potential split is political. And Mr Johnson's supposed Teflon shield finally shows signs of wearing thin.