Search Result for “upper”

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Ukraine allows some convicts to join army

Published on 17/05/2024

» Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law allowing some convicts to join the armed forces as it battles to hold the line against Russian offensives in the northeast, east and south of the country, the parliamentary database showed on Friday.


Performance among developers in Q1 mixed

Business, Kanana Katharangsiporn, Published on 16/05/2024

» The first-quarter revenue of major listed developers reflected varying trends, with a decline year-on-year among those targeting the lower-end segment, while those focusing on the middle to upper segments continued to witness growth.



What the Senate election means and why it’s all different

Published on 13/05/2024

» Thailand has kicked off the process to hold the first Senate election since a coup in 2014, after the military-appointed batch completed its five-year term last week.



Clean air comes before animal feed

Published on 12/05/2024

» As toxic smog chokes the country without signs of clearing, the government aims to become the world’s top exporter of animal feed. This is a slap in the face of the populace because they have been suffering from the industry’s harmful effects on health and the environment for over two decades.



Accidents waiting to happen

Published on 12/05/2024

» Bangkok residents were left horrified by two tragic accidents early this month that highlight a lack of safety measures on the part of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and other agencies.



Krabi dugongs died ‘in search of food’

Onnucha Hutasingh, Published on 11/05/2024

» A marine biologist is attributing the recent deaths of four dugongs in Krabi to a seagrass degradation crisis that forced the animals to leave their protected habitats in search of food.



AAGI focuses on upper-end health plans

Business, Molpasorn Shoowong, Published on 10/05/2024

» Allianz Ayudhya General Insurance (AAGI) is planning to grow contributions from health insurance to 40% from 30% within five years, banking on the post-pandemic uptick in health consciousness as displayed by rising medical expenses and new products.



Loading the chamber

Oped, Editorial, Published on 09/05/2024

» By Saturday the term of the junta-appointed Upper House will come to an end, and the process of starting a new chamber will begin.



More rain, storms expected till May 13

News, Onnucha Hutasingh, Published on 08/05/2024

» More rain and thunderstorms are forecast through to May 13 across the northern, northeastern and central regions, according to the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD).


The winner-take-all economy is ruining art, too

News, Published on 06/05/2024

» I was on the whole disappointed by this year's Whitney Biennial -- it was hard for me to tell if one video installation was art or an HR training video -- but as an economist, I have to admit the exhibition was successful in at least one respect: It did what art is supposed to do, which is to hold up a mirror to our society and economy. And this year's biennial shows how America's elite institutions are stifling innovation and creativity.