Search Result for “transit safety”

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Make safety a priority

Oped, Editorial, Published on 26/12/2023

» The past weekend saw the festive spirit return to Bangkok, although the collective mood might have been merrier had there not been reports of two accidents at city train construction sites.



Reflections from a career in foreign relations

News, Kasit Piromya, Published on 09/10/2023

» As the world continues to become closer through advancements in transportation and communication, we are unfortunately living in a time where many countries' leaders, politicians and citizens are increasingly looking to insulate their countries from those seeking safety and security.



Human rights need priority

News, Editorial, Published on 30/05/2023

» Apolice investigation into the killing of a Lao exiled political activist in Ubon Ratchathani province on May 17 is moving quietly.



Humanising policy towards refugees

Oped, Vitit Muntarbhorn, Published on 02/03/2023

» The recent death of a Uighur man -- who had sought refuge in Thailand and was subsequently detained for nearly a decade, was a sad reflection of the unbalanced response towards persons who seek refuge, or "refugees", in this country. Various groups currently seek protection from persecution, armed conflicts and key human rights violations in their country of origin, and they deserve to be treated decently and humanely.



Pollution won't fix itself

Oped, Editorial, Published on 29/10/2022

» Fine dust has been a long-standing nightmare for Bangkok residents at this time of the year.



Road safety tackled wrong

Oped, Editorial, Published on 09/09/2022

» The Royal Thai Police are making the right move by increasing the penalties for traffic law violators.



Asean customs transit system a boon

Oped, Published on 07/09/2022

» Over three years ago, Mr Raj, the general manager of City Zone Express (CZE) Malaysia, a regional logistics company with branches in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and China and a fleet of more than 260 vehicles, was proud of his GPS-equipped fleet. It had innovative security gadgets and an anti-hijacking system, and CZE looked destined to become one of the top logistics companies in the region.



Make BRT system work

Oped, Editorial, Published on 31/08/2022

» After 12 years of continuous service, Bangkok's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) -- a 15-km feeder bus route linking Sathon and Ratchaphruek roads -- should have been more popular, the way similar systems in Bogota and Guangzhou have been embraced by those cities' residents.



Russia-Ukraine war's effects on global food security

Oped, Published on 15/03/2022

» Over the past two years, Covid-19 has presented many challenges to global food security. Today, what is happening in Russia and Ukraine adds another significant challenge.


Belarus becomes a small storm in a sea of anxiety

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 18/11/2021

» It's not a tempest in a teapot; it's smaller than that. A few thousand Arabs and Kurds, mostly young men but including women and children, are trapped between Poland, which will not let them in, and Belarusian border guards and militia who will not let them back into Belarus. But the language is getting menacing.