Search Result for “the netherlands”

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Asean broadens its geopolitical profile

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 18/07/2023

» Asean's geopolitical profile has significantly expanded under Indonesia's chairmanship, especially regarding the bloc's external relations with the great powers. Jakarta might be found wanting in its addressing of the Myanmar crisis, but that's understandable given the complexity of the stakeholders involved both on the battlefield and beyond.



New pragmatism on the rise in Asean

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/02/2022

» While the Myanmar quagmire will continue to dominate Asean's agenda under Cambodia and future chairs, one must not forget that the current chair must also deal with a myriad of challenges across all sectors of the grouping's ongoing cooperation. The much-awaited foreign ministerial retreat last Thursday has once again shown that Asean remains a closely knit, pragmatic family.



Asean at 54: In need of some speed

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 10/08/2021

» Despite the plethora of criticism, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) in its 54th year is actually stronger and bolder than ever. That might sound propagandistic but it is not. Today, member countries are more engaged and expressive in their exchanges of opinions and ideas, especially on proposed plans of action in relation to the challenges confronting the bloc. External powers are also wooing Asean in a way that has never seen before.



Implications of new draft law on NGOs

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 11/05/2021

» Thailand's long-standing business-as-usual approach to local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), will soon be a thing of the past. After nearly three decades of flexible engagement with the so-called "not-for-profit organisations", the Thai government has recently come up with a draft bill on Operations of Not-for-Profit Organisations, which is now being vetted by the Office of the Council of State.



Repatriation of Thais needs ramping up

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/05/2020

» In recent weeks, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has accelerated efforts to bring Thai citizens stranded overseas back home. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the one issue that has tarnished the Thai government's positive image both inside and outside the country has been the stringent measures adopted by the Prayut administration with regard to the repatriation of Thais stuck overseas.



Why Germany is seeking deeper ties with Asean

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 15/10/2019

» With supersonic speed in terms of the decision and process, Germany will accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in around two weeks' time. If everything goes as planned on the German side, which requires cabinet endorsement, there will be a signing ceremony in Bangkok during the 35th Asean Summit from Oct 31-Nov 2. Bahrain will also join the ceremony.