Search Result for “thailand politics”

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Thai 3Rs secret to handling US, China

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/07/2022

» Recent visits by the foreign ministers of China and the US created lots of buzz among the Thai public and diplomatic community regarding the direction of Thai foreign policy. Many questions were raised but no satisfactory answers were given.



'Sceptical' Asean vis-a-vis 'maverick' US

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 10/05/2022

» The timing and venue of the upcoming special summit between Asean and US leaders later this week are extraordinary. However, the ways in which the unusual strategic circumstances and tensions could further shape the trajectory of Asean-US relations remain to be seen. With the new schedule of the May 12-13 summit in Washington DC and the fresh developments on the ground at home and abroad, the summit will be conducted in a very cautious manner to prevent any spill-over effects or unintended consequences. Indeed, there is a high level of scepticism among the Asean members as to what the US has up its sleeve. The American gung-ho rhetoric has been quite worrisome.



Russia's war and its regional impact

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 29/03/2022

» Last week in Brussels, US President Joe Biden suggested that Russia should be removed from the Group of Twenty, or G20 as it is more commonly known, the economic forum of industrialised and developing countries. He reiterated that with the ongoing Russian-Ukraine war, it could not be business as usual for Russia in international institutions and the international community. Mr Biden's comment sent a shockwave through Asean capitals. During the second and third week of November, Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand are hosting different summits with Russia, as a key member, along with China and the US and its allies. These meetings are the G20, East Asia Summit and Apec leaders' meeting. They could be two hubristic weeks of summits.



Preventing a proxy war in Myanmar

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/03/2022

» While it still can, Asean must prevent a proxy war in Myanmar.



Indo-Pacific and the ascent of SE Asia

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 11/01/2022

» It is clear that the ongoing debate on the importance of the Indo-Pacific is all about which major powers will win the hearts and minds of Southeast Asian countries. The main target is the 10-member Asean bloc located in the centre, where two oceans, the Indian and Pacific, converge.



Cambodia takes to global stage again

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 02/11/2021

» For the next 365 days, every move Cambodia, especially Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, makes or takes will be scrutinised by strategists and political pundits around the world. Phnom Penh will be the new fulcrum in the post-pandemic era to which global leaders can converge and discuss their future, which could further intensify cooperation or tension. After nearly four decades of continuous power, Hun Sen's brinkmanship is well known and most of all, he knows exactly what he wants to say and do. Uniquely, none of the regional leaders knows the region's pulse and global politics as well as Hun Sen.



Can we build back better by Oct 15?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/06/2021

» By Oct 15, Buddha willing, Thailand will be ready to welcome visitors from abroad including domestic travellers. Last Wednesday, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha bet his political career and reputation on a pledge that Thailand will be back in business once again in four months' time.


7 secrets of Thai Covid-19 success

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 23/06/2020

» When the first coronavirus infection was detected on Jan 13, there were fears that Thailand would be the hardest hit by the pandemic, and that the country might not survive due to the onslaught unleashed by a faceless enemy.


Kudos to Thai Covid-19 fighters

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 21/04/2020

» In the 99 days since Covid-19 hit Thailand, the Prayut Chan-o-cha government has adjusted its handling of the pandemic. For the first 58 days, Gen Prayut continued to behave like a busboy in a local restaurant, trying to do everything from welcoming guests to serving food and cleaning tables.



Please do not shoot the messengers

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/11/2019

» At the 40th Unesco General Conference in Paris last week, a plethora of issues affecting global well-being were discussed. These days big and small members dutifully raise their voices, remarkably demonstrating their national preferences in an uncertain world. One could easily notice that voices from big funders, except Japan, are louder than ever before. As usual, some smaller countries from the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands and Africa were absent from the week-long meetings due to their lack of funds. However, a few surrogate delegates for the members from the Caribbean region, such as St Lucia, Grenadine and others, managed to pitch their views, wanting to make their presence felt -- sometimes causing confusion and prolonged debate.