Search Result for “thailand”

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Books? Coffee? Heaven!

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 11/07/2023

» Happening, an art and entertainment magazine, will launch the first edition of a coffee-inspired short story collection on Wednesday to enrich your reading experience with a great cup of Joe in one sitting.



Struggling to survive

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 23/05/2023

» You are what you eat, but some do not have the privilege to choose. Nai, who is skinny and short for his age, lacks more than just a proper diet. He has been abandoned by his mother, and his father is serving a jail term. As a result, his uncle has kindly taken him into his own family. But like others, he is living from hand-to-mouth, so providing his nephew with a balanced diet from the five food groups is difficult. Due to a lack of variety in their diet, slum children, though not starving, are suffering from malnutrition.



Songs for life as it's no longer lived

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 17/04/2023

» Ad Carabao's new song Prachathipatung revives the myth of vote-buying and ignorance in rural society. The title is a coinage blending prachathipatai (democracy) and tung (money). On the track, parents ask children to return to their home village to vote for local politicians who give them money. It puts into song from the political discourse of an urban middle class that expresses disdain for villagers along with antipathy for one type of money politics as well as full-fledged democracy.



Curtains for Chinese opera?

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 27/02/2023

» "Hurry up," shouted a crew member who climbed up onto a makeshift stage. Casting sidelong glances, performers, half-clad, looked in the mirror and concentrated on applying layers of make-up. Nearby, a motley bunch of musicians and technicians double-checked their instruments. A stream of chatter from a growing audience -- without any partition between the theatre and real life -- put unintended pressure on the band.



The coming storm

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 20/02/2023

» Climate change is an invisible killer. A family that lived in a hill station in India, an area known for its colder climate, took their sick child to the hospital. Nobody thought of dengue until a diagnosis confirmed it. Warmer temperatures in India and elsewhere make conditions more favourable for mosquitoes.



Late New Year arrivals for your playlist

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 12/01/2023

» Happy New Year! After some ups and downs, it's time to begin afresh. Way back in late December, I missed a few songs in my year-end roundup. So here they are, and despite their different genres all can boost our morale and optimism for the upcoming year.



When art gets stifled

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 21/11/2022

» 'Art is short, a case is long," read a banner. Students apparently hijacked the well-known motto "art is long, life is short" by Prof Silpa Bhirasri, the father of Thai modern art, in protest of Chiang Mai University's legal action against its own lecturers and a student who "trespassed" on the art centre to exhibit works, some of which might challenge those in power, last year. It is a case in point for stifling democracy in Thai art.



Nationalism is not the answer to land woes

Oped, Thana Boonlert, Published on 04/11/2022

» Resistance to the controversial foreign land ownership bill is giving rise to the term khai chat -- used to denounce traitors who sell the motherland -- being used in political discourse. Whether a person is a government critic or supporter, he or she believes their ancestors fought very hard to protect our land and it should not be given away to foreigners.



Bangkok serves as inspiration in new show

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 18/10/2022

» After British artist Andrew Stahl set foot in Thailand, he spent much of the day exploring Bangkok. It is a jumble of many buildings from modern high rises and bright neon signs to rickety shophouses and temples that never cease to amaze him although he is a frequent visitor. It has provided inspiration for his latest exhibition "Sparkling City".


Riding the green wave

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 27/06/2022

» Only two weeks after decriminalising cannabis, Thailand is experiencing a green rush. Since June 9, when the legalisation of marijuana for home and commercial use took effect, almost 1 million people registered to grow it with food and drug officials, while more than 40 million have checked out the registration platform. There's a growing public interest in the cash crop -- though some farmers remain doubtful -- and it is paving the way for "cannabis journalism".