Search Result for “test results”

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What an exam scandal says about Modi's regime

News, Andy Mukherjee, Published on 20/06/2024

» A scandal involving allegedly leaked papers and irregular scoring in a government-run Indian medical entrance exam has exposed a deeper fault line. By controlling the choice of the nation's doctors, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration is pushing its hard-right Hindu agenda into the heart of the nation's health and education systems.



Build trust in Thai rice

Oped, Editorial, Published on 21/05/2024

» The all-out effort by the Pheu Thai-led government to auction decade-old rice from Yingluck's rice-pledging scheme raises questions about the party's political acumen.



Education woes aren't about funding

Oped, Published on 13/03/2024

» The education ministry has always received the largest share of the fiscal budget. The Thai government's investment in education is actually comparable to that of developed nations based on the percentage of national budgets.



Asean now 'really' matters to Australia

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 27/02/2024

» The Albanese government has repeatedly declared that Asean matters to Australia. In the past, such an assertion often drew a quick response, with "really?" being the most common reply. Today, that is no longer the case. Asean "really" does matter to Australia. However, whether Australia matters to Asean remains to be seen.



A promising turn in the quest to treat long Covid

News, Published on 25/01/2024

» A study published this week in Science makes a compelling case that people with long Covid have a chronic imbalance in their immune response. The findings don't explain why that immune response is out of whack, and needs confirming in larger studies. Still, this is an important new piece to the vexing puzzle that is long Covid.



The biggest threat was at home

News, Published on 25/12/2023

» A new trove of data from 7 million contacts have revealed that Covid-19 doesn't spread the way many people think it does.



Time to boost Pisa scores

News, Editorial, Published on 11/12/2023

» The poor results in the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) ratings do not reflect any inability by Thai students. Instead, they shed light on a larger failure encompassing the Education Ministry, education authorities, governments and policymakers.



Poor English is holding Thais back

Editorial, Published on 03/12/2023

» The month of December is usually one of reflection and planning, and this is exactly what is on the menu after the annual EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) released its rankings late last month. In case you're wondering, EF EPI ranks countries (where English is not the primary language) on English proficiency, based on results of Education First Standardised English tests.



Making education keep up with change

Oped, Published on 13/09/2023

» Thai children spend long hours in school. In fact, their school hours are among the longest in the world. But is all that classroom learning actually worth it in the real world?



Democracy must prevail in Sahel

Oped, Published on 12/09/2023

» Some events are more memorable than others and serve as landmarks for a term in office. I will always remember attending a ceremony in Paris, in December 2019, to honour 13 French soldiers who had died in Mali. It was my first official act as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.