Search Result for “subsequent hour”

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Two-state, two-economy solution

Oped, Published on 24/11/2023

» For some people, the bloody war in Gaza may have shattered the 35-year-old consensus that the only feasible solution to the region's troubles is to have two states, Israel and Palestine, living peaceably side by side. Yet others suggest that the horrors we have witnessed since Oct 7 could augur the revival of that very goal.



Sway of video games

Oped, Postbag, Published on 28/10/2023

» The Siam Paragon shooting a few weeks ago has largely been put into the background now, what with all the Thais stranded in the Middle East and other problems in the world.



Journalism on trial in Guatemala

Oped, Published on 01/08/2023

» July 29 marks the first anniversary of the arrest of Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora. As the founder and editor of the newspaper elPeriódico, Zamora spent decades uncovering political corruption before being arrested on fabricated money-laundering charges. In June, he was handed a six-year prison sentence, but the prosecution, insisting on a 40-year term, is expected to appeal. The harsher punishment, prosecutors say, would compensate those whose "name and reputation" have been tarnished by Zamora and his publication. Their real goal is to deter other journalists from following in Zamora's footsteps.



Thanks to Gorbachev, SE Asia found peace

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 06/09/2022

» Lest we forgot, President Mikhail Gorbachev was the Soviet leader who was the game changer in bringing an end to the Cambodian conflict. Southeast Asia owes him for giving peace a chance during the most turbulent time in this part of the world. The global media has widely credited him for ending the Cold War, opening up and giving more freedom in the Soviet Union, which was unfortunate as it also brought down the empire and led to the establishment of newly independent states.



Wonky rationale

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/05/2022

» Re: "Chuan won't return as party leader", (BP, May 3).



Thai public must back bill for clean air

Oped, Published on 08/01/2022

» Hazardous smog is once again badly affected the country, with Bangkok recently ranking as having some of the world's worst air pollution. Thailand's air pollution problem caused about 32,000 premature deaths, according to information from the State of Global Air 2020, while World Health Organization (WHO) estimated effect of air pollution can reduce life expectancy in the country by two years.



Asean leaders face off with big powers

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/10/2021

» In Bandar Seri Begawan, whether Asean leaders decide to upgrade China and Australia's dialogue status to comprehensive strategic partnership (CSP) this week or defer it to a later date will be a weather vane of the bloc's future engagement and management with the great powers, especially over the ripple effects of the US-China rivalry and potential military build-up.



Vaccine altruism?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 28/11/2020

» The National Vaccine Institute (NVI) will sign a 182-billion-baht contract with AstraZeneca for 26 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine, sufficient for 13 million people (BP, Nov 27). This equates to 7,000 baht per jab.


Asean needs a united response

News, Published on 14/04/2020

» The number of Covid-19 patients in Asean passed 10,000 at the start of this week. As a collective, the bloc represents nearly 650 million people. With the number of infections rising with each passing day, Asean's economy, people and way of life are increasingly hit harder by the pandemic.



Non-refoulement at heart of refugee protection

News, Published on 03/12/2019

» In early November, the world witnessed a tense and potentially life-threatening situation unfold at Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur International Airport, as two Cambodians were held in airport detention, pending deportation to Cambodia. Despite candidly declaring to immigration authorities that they would face imprisonment in Cambodia, and that they were not willing to return to their home country, there were numerous preparations taken to remove them from Malaysian soil.