Search Result for “stocks”

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China's drought sparks coal fears

News, Published on 09/09/2022

» China's drought has sent coal prices surging as traders anticipate the lack of hydroelectric generation will force it to burn more coal to meet electricity demand this winter.



The clean energy race is on but it needs investment

Oped, Published on 26/08/2022

» The United States has entered the clean-energy race in a big way with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022. Not only will the law subsidise US renewable-energy producers and consumers to the tune of US$369 billion (13 trillion baht) over 10 years; it also authorises the Department of Energy (DOE) to lend up to $250 billion to US companies that are investing in the clean energy transition. Between the IRA and the recent $52 billion package to boost US semiconductor production, it is clear that industrial policy is back in vogue in Washington, DC.



Wise up to Ponzi peril

Oped, Editorial, Published on 26/08/2022

» Criminals running Ponzi schemes like "Share Mae Manee" or the recent "Forex 3-D" under the guise of a company are nothing new in this country.


Rising rates won't trigger crisis

Oped, Published on 09/08/2022

» Hawkish shifts in the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policy have often led to heightened financial and economic stress in emerging economies. In the early 1990s, the Fed raised interest rates preemptively to curb inflation, precipitating the 1994 Mexican “tequila” crisis. In 2013, the Fed signalled its intention to tighten monetary policy, resulting in the major emerging-markets sell-off known as the “taper tantrum”.



Global coal-fired power supplies at a record high

News, Published on 28/07/2022

» Global coal-fired electricity generators are producing more power than ever before in response to booming electricity demand and the surging price of gas.



Hardship by the gross

News, Editorial, Published on 27/06/2022

» Amid skyrocketing fuel prices, many people and even some politicians have begun to question the profits being made by private refineries. The issue angering critics and consumers is what is known as the gross refining margin, or GRM, of local oil refineries.



Global shocks prompt rethink on supply chains

Oped, Published on 15/06/2022

» Starting in the 1980s, transnational production enabled the expansion of global trade and low prices for goods, contributing significantly to economic growth. But the shocks caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have shown firms that the efficiency gains implied by the global division of labour -- and just-in-time production -- come at the cost of resilience. With global supply-chain bottlenecks unlikely to resolve themselves soon, firms have turned their attention to reshoring or at least "friend-shoring", which seeks to combine closer geographic proximity with greater geopolitical peace of mind.



In the end, economic theories prevail

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 02/06/2022

» I have made several dire predictions for the Thai economy this year such as high inflation, a liquidity crisis, interest rate hikes, bank collapses, a currency run, and, of course, an economic recession.



Niwat award a call to act

Oped, Editorial, Published on 27/05/2022

» After two decades of campaigning to protect the Mekong River, Niwat Roykaew, a local teacher and founder of the Chiang Khong Conservation Group in Chiang Rai, finally received the accolade he deserved. Mr Niwat was one of six recipients of this year's Goldman Environmental Prize, a prestigious award for grassroots environmental activism.


Have we hit the limits to growth?

News, Published on 23/05/2022

» Fifty years ago this spring, one of the most influential books of the twentieth century was published. Written for the Club of Rome by Donella Meadows and colleagues at MIT, The Limits to Growth used new computer models to forecast an uncontrollable collapse in the global population and economy if prevailing patterns of environmental resource use and pollution continued. Exponential economic growth could not go on forever; at some point in the next 100 years, it would inevitably run up against Earth's finite environmental limits.