Search Result for “senior official”

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Ripe time to allow AI whistleblowers speak out

News, Published on 18/06/2024

» Here's an AI advancement that should benefit all of us: It's getting easier for builders of artificial intelligence to warn the world about the harms their algorithms can cause -- from spreading misinformation and displacing jobs, to hallucinating and providing a new form of surveillance. But who can these would-be whistleblowers turn to? An encouraging shift toward better oversight is underway, thanks to changes in compensation policies, renewed momentum to speak out among engineers and the growing clout of a British government-backed safety group.



Thailand recharges Myanmar policy

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 18/06/2024

» At his first press briefing on Friday, Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa spoke at length about Thai foreign policy under his stewardship. He covered the whole gamut of revitalised diplomatic paths the country is on and will be making in a 43-slide PowerPoint presentation.



Fixing Thailand's cannabis regulations

Oped, Published on 08/05/2024

» When cannabis was removed from the Narcotics Code in 2021, widespread, unregulated usage sparked a public outcry, calling for immediate governmental intervention to rectify the situation.


Israel, Hamas and the elusive ceasefire

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 07/05/2024

» Hamas did not need a ceasefire. It had already demonstrated that Israel could not eradicate it. It had achieved its primary goal of wrecking the anti-Iran alliance that was brewing between Israel and the major Arab Gulf states. And it doesn't care about how many Palestinians get killed; they are all "martyrs" for the cause.



Burnout rate shows price of success

News, Published on 01/05/2024

» The search for success can be elusive, and possibly nowhere more so than in Singapore, one of the most competitive and overworked places on the planet. Long hours are the norm, a reputation it has built since the island-state gained independence from Malaysia almost 60 years ago and had to carve an identity for itself in an uncertain and scary world.


Vietnam is in danger of losing its China +1 appeal

News, Published on 26/03/2024

» Losing one president in a year -- unfortunate. Losing two? A worrying signal for foreign investors. Vietnam, the economic darling of Southeast Asia, has been thrust into the spotlight again because of a series of political earthquakes. The most recent is President Vo Van Thuong's resignation on March 20, making him the latest senior official to step down amid widening probes into some of the country's top leadership.



Why is China's economic performance stalling?

Oped, Published on 06/03/2024

» It has been a year since China relaxed the zero-Covid measures that had been stifling economic activity, but the country has yet to experience the rebound that policymakers and pundits anticipated. Instead, economic indicators from the past year have painted a disheartening picture.



The reason why China won't fight the Houthis

Oped, Yun Sun, Published on 23/02/2024

» Chinese policy in the Middle East is shaped by two factors: China's threat perceptions and its strategic calculus regarding its great-power competition with the United States. And when it comes to dealing with the US, China's approach comes down to three "nos": no cooperation, no support and no confrontation. This credo underlies China's decision not to push back against the Iran-backed Houthis as they carry out drone and missile attacks on Red Sea shipping lanes.



Not above the law

Oped, Editorial, Published on 21/02/2024

» Faith in the justice system continues to slide downhill over the report of two senior prosecutors allegedly being threatened by policemen charged with being complicit in running a controversial online gambling den.



ICJ's efforts to build rule of law must continue

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 31/01/2024

» Israel's defence minister, Yoav Gallant, dismissed the ruling by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the accusation that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip with the words "Hague Schmague". US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was equally dismissive, saying that the case brought before the ICJ by South Africa was "meritless".