Search Result for “protectionism risks”

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Concerns rise over China's 1 trillion yuan EV, solar, battery exports

South China Morning Post, Published on 24/02/2024

» BEIJING - China's 1 trillion yuan (US$139 billion) exports of electric vehicles (EVs), lithium batteries and solar cells could face a new round of challenges this year, as Western policymakers have reflected "genuine anxieties" about overcapacity distorting their markets.



Why sanctions against Russia are failing

Oped, Published on 23/01/2024

» When bilateral talks fail to resolve disputes between sovereign countries, aggrieved parties may turn to an international judicial body, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Alternatively, treaties or agreements often incorporate provisions for arbitration or mediation of disputes by a pre-designated entity.



Protectionism started the geopolitical fire

Oped, Published on 04/10/2023

» It has been puzzling to see many prominent economists decry the Trump administration's tariffs as welfare-reducing protectionism while approving of the Biden administration's even more drastic steps to reshore, friend-shore, and decouple from China.



Global rulebook needs a facelift

Oped, Published on 28/09/2023

» After India's G20 summit and the UN General Assembly this month, world leaders next month will attend the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings in Marrakesh, before heading to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai. But there is little optimism that these summits will deliver meaningful progress in tackling our greatest challenges, not because of any lack of resolve, but because the global rulebook we have been following since the end of World War II is no longer fit for purpose.



Soaring rice prices stretch budgets for billions in Asia, Africa

Bloomberg News, Published on 10/08/2023

» KUALA LUMPUR: A surge in rice prices to the highest level in almost 15 years is renewing fears that food costs are going to get a lot more expensive for the world’s poorest people.



Horns of a dilemma

Business, Post Reporters, Published on 26/06/2023

» With the Move Forward Party (MFP) still on track to establish a new government, fresh concerns over the next chapter in Thai-Chinese economic relations have surfaced.


Sleepwalking into another trade war

Oped, Published on 10/01/2023

» The world is embroiled in a mega-crisis comprising the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia's war in Ukraine, high inflation, recession fears and rising debt distress across emerging markets and developing countries. The last thing we need is an additional source of economic harm. But that's what we may get, in the form of another destructive trade war.



Global goods trade forecast to shrink in 2023

Published on 03/12/2022

» The global goods trade will shrink next year in a downturn reminiscent of previous recessions, Oxford Economics said, in a worrying forecast for Asia’s export-dependent economies and beyond.


EU carbon tax hurts poorer states

News, Published on 27/06/2022

» In July 2021, the European Commission did something that no other major governing body had ever attempted: It tied trade policy to climate policy. Reaching the European Union's goal of cutting net greenhouse-gas emissions by 55% by 2030 will require the EU to reduce emissions both at home and beyond its borders.



Advancing cautiously

Asia focus, Ismira Lutfia Tisnadibrata, Published on 27/06/2022

» Asian economies are bouncing back amid the so-called Great Reset triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. But a cautious mood prevails given the possible short-term risks of new waves of the virus, rising inflation and political instability.