Search Result for “peoples alliance for Democracy”

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The unravelling of Burma's military rule

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 19/12/2023

» The Burmese army is a leading candidate for Nastiest Army in the World. Even more than Pakistan's army, it is the tail that wags the dog: rather than the army serving the country, it's the other way around.



Burkina, Niger to quit G5 anti-jihadist force

AFP, Published on 02/12/2023

» OUAGADOUGOU - The military leaders of Burkina Faso and Niger said Saturday they would quit the G5 anti-jihadist force in Africa's Sahel region, the latest blow to the fight against insurgents in one of the world's most troubled zones.



The best of friends -- really?

News, Published on 19/08/2023

» The Pheu Thai Party (PTP) took its time before ending the deal it had made with the Move Forward Party (MFP) to form a government together, which begs the question as to why it was reluctant to break up with what had been touted as its best ally in the pro-democracy wing.



Myanmar monk militia: Buddhist clergy backing junta

Reuters, Published on 08/12/2022

» YANGON: In a monastery in central Myanmar, a Buddhist monk, Wathawa, rallies his militia with a cry: "What's our spirit like?"



Reflecting on a century of Fascism

News, Published on 07/11/2022

» When Fascist Blackshirts marched through the streets of Rome at the end of October 1922, their leader, Benito Mussolini, had just been installed as prime minister.


Grim reflections in the mirror of Ukraine crisis

Oped, Published on 20/05/2022

» I read with interest the article of colleagues from Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the UK and the US published in the Bangkok Post on May 12, 2022.



Conspiracy epidemic, born in US, spreads in Europe

AFP, Published on 17/05/2021

» PARIS: "It's not a virus, it's a tool to use power," says Monique Lustig in the Netherlands, while in Germany, Hellmuth Mendel argues that "Covid is a story invented by an international financial mafia". "And what if this was all just a film?" asks Christophe Charret in France.


Taiwan is still in China's web of war games

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 27/01/2021

» Most news agencies reported on Sunday that China sent large groups of fighters and bombers into the Taiwanese airspace two days in a row. Much fluttering in the dovecote: the Chinese are testing the resolve of newly installed US President Joe Biden.



After the Covid election

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 16/11/2020

» Myanmar's "Covid election" has dominated the local psyche for more than a month now. The coronavirus crisis changed the nature of campaigning for the Nov 8 polls, severely affected the voting process and delayed the second stage of the government's pandemic recovery plans. While everyone was preoccupied with the polls, the country was virtually on hold.



Biden win a boon or bane for Thailand?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 08/09/2020

» There are only nine weeks to go before Nov 3 when American voters decide on their new president. If former vice president Joseph Biden wins, Thailand must prepare a new strategy to "renew" and "reinvent" engagement with the US that will take be tougher on issues related to China, human rights and democracy. The Biden administration's approach could be a boon or bane for Thailand, one of its five allies in the Indo-Pacific, depending on the country's diplomatic pathway and strategic preparedness. With a new administration under the Democrats, the US State Department would again shape overall policy towards its benign ally.