Search Result for “oil fund”

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Green push needs united approach

News, Published on 20/05/2024

» Bridging the divide between agriculture and forestry is imperative for climate action. The global and national race is on to steeply reduce emissions over the next six years. According to the watershed Global Stocktake report, released ahead of COP28 in Dubai, we face the daunting task of reducing emissions by 43% by 2030 to retain the possibility of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees by the end of the century, and 27% to stabilise at a 2-degree temperature increase. Since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015, we have managed only to be on track for a 2% reduction in emissions against 2019 baselines. Each subsequent year, we collectively feel the impacts of a hotter, more volatile climate as new records are set for temperature and natural disasters.



Govt, BoT spat may not be economic

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 09/05/2024

» The row between the government and the Bank of Thailand (BoT) over its "high" interest rate is all over the news. Many have started questioning the appropriateness of the central bank's independence.



Is China stockpiling resources in case of future war?

News, Published on 29/04/2024

» In the eastern Chinese port of Dongying, the start of 2024 has often seen several tankers docked simultaneously discharging Russian crude oil into a new 31.5-million-barrel storage facility completed late last year.



A fund for toxic waste

Oped, Editorial, Published on 24/04/2024

» Accidents involving toxic waste are not unusual in Thailand. With weak law enforcement and irresponsible operators, Thai society has been affected by several accidents and threats caused by toxic waste management or the lack thereof.



Why solar and wind are not winning

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 20/04/2024

» Despite us constantly being told that solar and wind are now the cheapest forms of electricity, governments around the world needed to spend US$1.8 trillion (66.3 trillion baht) on the green transition last year. "Wind and solar are already significantly cheaper than coal and oil" is how US President Joe Biden conveniently justifies spending hundreds of billions of dollars on green subsidies. Indeed, arguing that wind and solar is cheapest is a meme employed by green lobbyists, activists and politicians around the world. Unfortunately, as the $1.8 trillion price-tag shows, the claim is wildly deceptive.


Global South's climate leadership

Oped, Published on 26/03/2024

» Last month, the International Energy Agency's ministerial gathering took place in Paris, while the African Union, which recently joined the G20, held its annual summit in Addis Ababa. Both fora recognised the urgent need to fulfil the commitments made at last December's United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, not least to triple installed renewable-energy capacity by 2030. But the challenges ahead are substantial.



Time to stop making empty promises

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 07/03/2024

» The Nikkei 225 Index just broke 40,000, surpassing the record high of 1989. The stellar stock market performance happened amid the fact that Japan's economy is officially in recession after two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.



Global trade war or merry dance?

News, Published on 15/02/2024

» Globalisation may have stalled amid the fiery geopolitical posturing of recent years, but many doubt it's in reverse, given that supply chains have been re-routed rather than returned home and overall trade volumes are less disturbed than first feared.



Don't fault African nations for producing more oil

News, Published on 02/02/2024

» Nigeria inaugurated the US$20 billion (709.2 billion baht) Dangote Oil Refinery, a 650,000 barrels-per-day facility that represents a new phase in Nigeria's petroleum sector.



Why sanctions against Russia are failing

Oped, Published on 23/01/2024

» When bilateral talks fail to resolve disputes between sovereign countries, aggrieved parties may turn to an international judicial body, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Alternatively, treaties or agreements often incorporate provisions for arbitration or mediation of disputes by a pre-designated entity.