Search Result for “new year”

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Can Jakarta push peace in Myanmar?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 09/05/2023

» By this weekend, the world will find out whether the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) -- under Indonesian chairmanship -- will be able to overcome challenges in Myanmar's peace process and bridge the divisions among various stakeholders.



Vietnam's 'bamboo' foreign policy clout

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 25/04/2023

» Vietnam is the only Southeast Asian country at this critical moment to be facing a major challenge as it attempts to juggle the three great powers -- China, Russia, and the US -- simultaneously. It is as if Hanoi is keeping a dagger, a bomb, and a gun in perpetual mid-air flight to ensure the tripartite relations will not crash along the way. It is bamboo diplomacy Vietnamese style, at its very best in keeping these extraordinary allies and friends at bay. In recent years, the bamboo policy description has been widely used due to the country's distinctive diplomacy.



Thai diplomacy has come full circle

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 18/04/2023

» After eight arduous years, Thai diplomacy has come full circle. With 26 days to go before the next general election on May 14, the international community is wondering whether there will be any change in the country's overall diplomatic outlook. Since the dark days leading up to the intervention in May 2014, Thailand has undertaken an extraordinary journey given the state in which the country was caught with its deteriorated standing in the global community. Critics varied in their assessments of Thai foreign policy under deep stress. Indeed, the long winding diplomatic road revealed both the strengths and weaknesses of strenuous efforts to protect national interests amid the competition of the great powers and in tackling the unavoidable ripple effects caused by an increasingly polarised world.



Cambodia and the rise of a small power

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 11/04/2023

» For Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, timing is everything. Therefore, it was not surprising that the world's longest-serving leader signalled recently that he would step down from politics. Unbelievable, right? He used to say he would remain in power until he was 90. If it had not come directly from him, nobody would have believed a word. His carefully calibrated decision comes at a critical time due to current domestic and external conditions and their likely long-term repercussions.



What will Asean be like come 2045?

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 04/04/2023

» It is now official: the Asean Community's Post 2025 vision will be extended by another ten years from 2035 to 2045. Asean Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn revealed the 20-year vision in Bangkok last week, much to the surprise of diplomats and the local audience. The decision was taken at the 7th meeting of the High-Level Task Force on the Asean Community's Post-2025 Vision (HLTF-ACV) in March 19-20 in Belitung, Indonesia.



Rebooting South, SE Asian cooperation

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/03/2023

» Fresh from the success of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation last year, Thailand is currently chairing another immense regional economic bloc promoting holistic and sustainable development and smart connectivity amongst South Asia and Southeast Asia. In the coming decades, if not centuries, these combined regions will together form the centre of the Indo-Pacific.



India overcomes leadership limitations

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 07/03/2023

» If anything, the outcome of the G20 foreign ministerial meeting was a good barometer of the true nature of India's potential as a global power. On its own turf, it still was not able to garner support from all the G20 members to agree on the joint ministerial statement last week. The host was very disappointed, given its recent success at the Bali summit last November. The harsh reality serves as a reminder of the prevailing geopolitical rivalry, which is getting worse by the day. Just a few months ago, India was hailed as a hero for playing a very important role in assisting the G20 host, Indonesia, to broker the G20 leaders' statement -- once described as an impossible task. Since then, New Delhi has been very proud of its political clout.



Give peace a chance in Ukraine war

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 28/02/2023

» China's 12-point proposal for peace in Ukraine should be given serious consideration as it encompasses all the necessary elements that could achieve a ceasefire leading to eventual peace. Obviously, it is still a tall order. At this juncture, the talk of war continues with vigour, especially among the US allies and Nato. Judging from their reactions in the past several days, they still view the plan with suspicion, and it will take some time before the Chinese ideas gain traction among policymakers worldwide.



New Thai-Malaysia economic dynamics

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 14/02/2023

» Without any diplomatic pleasantries, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha kicked off bilateral talks last week with his Malaysian counterpart, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, by stating clearly that Thai-Malaysian ties have not been progressing very well. The opening remarks drew a big smile from Mr Anwar as a sign of appreciation. It immediately set the tone of his two-day visit.



Asean and Myanmar: The next moves

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 07/02/2023

» Last week, the new Asean chair, Indonesia, convened the first two important meetings -- the Asean Coordinating Council and Asean Foreign Ministers' Retreat -- to discuss and follow up on ongoing and emerging issues that have to do with the relevancy of Asean and its centrality.