Search Result for “master plan”

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Bimstec: A new force of the Global South

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 25/07/2023

» All of a sudden, the countries around the Bay of Bengal are coming to the fore and raising their profiles. They know full well that this vast maritime enclave, with its plentiful resources and potential benefits, is another important strategic landscape. So, it is better to get their act together.



Covid-19: Asean must act more boldly

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 24/03/2020

» The past 12 weeks have displayed Asean's strengths and exposed weaknesses when the grouping has had to respond to an unprecedented common catastrophic crisis, the coronavirus pandemic.



East Asian leadership rises in Bangkok

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 05/11/2019

» The 35th Asean-related summits, which ended on Monday, saw the region's leaders display their magnanimity through collective leadership and common commitments for a stronger and more prosperous East Asia. The absence of US President Donald Trump was a blessing in disguise, since it meant the global media had to focus on the substance of their talks. These days, East Asian leaders are bolder and more willing to work together despite their domestic constraints and the longstanding bilateral disputes among them.



Engaging with China on infrastructure

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 23/04/2019

» Later this week, 37 heads of state and government, as well as 5,000 participants from over 150 countries, will converge on Beijing for the second Belt and Road Initiative Forum for International Cooperation. The mammoth gathering of dignitaries and policymakers is crucial for the five-year-old BRI to gain wider recognition and power to move onto the next cycle with new lessons learned and adjustments made. For President Xi Jinping, it will be a moment of truth for his leadership and China's dream.



Thailand's Asean chair: Views from Washington

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/02/2019

» Across the other half of the globe, Thailand's Asean chair has been viewed with scepticism and doubt. In the US, the upcoming election, the coronation and other domestic developments were perceived as variables that could impact the ambitious Thai chair. Then there is a bigger lingering question about President Donald Trump's overseas trips this year.



Thailand's economic goals as Asean chair

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 25/12/2018

» After nearly five years of painstakingly building up diplomatic and economic resilience under military rule, Thailand is embarking on an important mission as the chair of Asean throughout 2019. The stakes are extremely high, judging from the economic agenda set forth by the government.



US-China rivalry shifts to mainland SEA

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 07/08/2018

» The sense of deja vu at last week's annual Asean foreign ministers meeting in Singapore regarding progress on the code of conduct in the South China Sea -- an agreement with China on a single draft for future negotiations -- is an ominous sign that the regional grouping is already at the centre of US-China rivalry.



Thailand revitalising Acmecs scheme

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 12/06/2018

» Renewed schemes for the region's three great rivers -- under the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (Acmecs) -- are making a comeback after some soul-searching amid a plethora of connectivity plans. Bangkok will host the 8th Acmecs summit this Friday and Saturday.



EU-Asean relations fall under a curse again

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 06/03/2018

» Each time that Asean-EU ties appear to be on an upward curve, some mishap occurs. In the past year, due to major geopolitical shifts regionally and globally, particularly over transatlantic ties, the EU has paid more attention to Asean, wanting to strengthen ties beyond trade and investment, including on security and strategic matters. Likewise, scenting the US backsliding from multilateral forums, Asean is looking toward the EU as the new stabilising force for the region's economic progress, peace and prosperity. It is still a tall order, as the EU is searching for the right approach to win hearts and minds in the world's second-most successful regional grouping.