Search Result for “malaysian politics”

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Conservatives still wield 'lawfare' axe

Oped, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 01/06/2024

» Thai politics is facing a dilemma once again as key parties are being slapped with lawsuits.



SEA eyes next 20 years of US-China ties

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 21/05/2024

» What will Southeast Asia be like over the next two decades? Given the unpredictable geopolitical situation, the region will certainly maintain its strategic autonomy in ways that mitigate the ripple effects of the emerging new international order. The multipolar world will be a new ballgame that Southeast Asia has to grapple with. Interestingly, the region's countries also realise that the competition between the US and China is not likely to subside given the tit-for-tat measures they have been conducting with each other. Under such circumstances, what role or leadership can Southeast Asia provide under the Asean roof to ensure that the region will not be marginalised or weaponised? To be precise, how can Asean avoid becoming a pawn in the US-China whirlpool?



It'll take more than patriotism to save the ringgit

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 28/03/2024

» Malaysia wants to be great again, at least in foreign exchange. The nation's currency recently approached a level seen as near-catastrophic during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. Authorities insist the ringgit is way too cheap and blame forces outside the country, chiefly high interest rates in the US. The remedies are modest, compared with the shock therapy meted out a couple of decades ago.



A Thai view on the Hamas-Israel war

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 20/10/2023

» The Palestinians' longstanding and legitimate grievances have been irrevocably subverted by Hamas' brazen attack against Israel on Oct 7. Unlike previous rounds of conflicts and clashes between Israel and the Palestinians on the one hand and neighbouring Arab states on the other, Thailand has become a direct casualty like never before, as 30 Thai workers have been killed to date, with at least 16 injured and 17 taken hostage. As a militant political movement motivated by Islamic fundamentalism using methods of terrorism to achieve its objectives, Hamas has made a bad name for the Palestinian cause, eliciting condemnation and opposition all the way over here in Thailand.



Prioritise the far South peace process

Oped, Published on 10/03/2023

» When it comes to conflict and insurgency in the far South, way too much attention is placed on the negotiating table.



Is this a new dawn for Malaysia?

Oped, Published on 11/01/2023

» In 2007, on the 50th anniversary of Malaysia's independence, Nobel laureate economist Joseph E Stiglitz celebrated the "miracle" of the country's economic rise and creation of a vibrant multiethnic society. In the 15 years that followed, however, revelations of large-scale corruption and abuse of foreign workers damaged Malaysia's international reputation and fueled domestic political instability.


Malaysian polls see Islamist surge

News, Published on 23/11/2022

» Malaysia's election has not immediately resulted in a new government, but it has produced an instant winner -- political Islam.



Elections and old ties grip SE Asia

News, Editorial, Published on 23/10/2022

» The Southeast Asian region is entering election mode -- starting with the upcoming snap election in Malaysia next month, followed by the national election next year in Thailand, which is tentatively set for May, and Cambodia's poll in July.



Trying times ahead for Thai leadership

News, Published on 28/12/2021

» In the Year of the Tiger, three prominent issues will determine Thailand's future and its position in the region and among the international community.



Govt hate speech spikes in SE Asia

Oped, Published on 16/10/2020

» Hate speech against youths by government officials, military and the police in the media and over social media is on the rise as students lead protests calling for a change in government and demanding political reforms in Belarus, Thailand and Hong Kong. In Thailand, the two state of emergency decrees, the first, used since March 2020 for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, the most recent to maintain public order in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area, both shield the Thai government from criticism.