Search Result for “intentionally left”

Showing 21 - 30 of 307



Tears, anger on 'Joola' sinking anniversary

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 16/10/2022

» Up on the deck, dozens of university students played cards. In the first-class cabins below, passengers watched the movie Air Force One. In an overcrowded third-class compartment, a teenage football team on its way to a tournament belted out songs.



A beloved tree tries for a comeback

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 02/10/2022

» Michael French trudged through a thicket of prickly bramble, unfazed by the branches he had to swat away on occasion in order to arrive at a quiet spot of hilly land that was once mined for coal. Now, however, it is patched with flowering goldenrods and long yellow-green grasses and dotted with tree saplings.



Leadership is learning as well as teaching

Published on 19/09/2022

» A good leader, the motivational speaker Simon Sinek has said, is like a good parent. They ensure that those in their care are beneficiaries of their learning.



Russia Confounds the West by Recapturing Its Oil Riches

Business, Published on 31/08/2022

» Russia pumps almost as much oil into the global market as it did before its invasion of Ukraine. With oil prices up, Moscow is also making more money.


Danger lurks behind the screen

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 22/08/2022

» Recently, a Thai netizen shared a video from an American TikTok content creator named Jessica, who wanted to warn parents of the dangers in posting videos of their children on social media platforms.



Sports stadiums echo ancient divisions

Oped, Published on 20/08/2022

» More than 230 amphitheatres, among the largest and most memorable monuments left to us by the Romans, survive in cities from northern England to the banks of the Jordan River. The Romans built amphitheatres for more than 500 years in a range of sizes -- from a capacity of a few thousand to 50,000 in the Colosseum -- using a variety of techniques. The amphitheatre at Pompeii was built in the first century BCE by workers who excavated hillsides, placed terraced seating on the packed soil, and erected retaining walls to hold the rows of seats in place. The amphitheatre in Bordeaux was built nearly 300 years later as a freestanding oval fashioned out of brick, concrete, and cut stone.



Abe murder spotlights Unification Church controversy in Japan

AFP, Published on 29/07/2022

» TOKYO - The assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe by a man resentful of the Unification Church has resurfaced years of controversy over the group.



'Relentless' Russian shelling in east Ukraine as US promises new aid

AFP, Published on 09/07/2022

» DRUZHKIVKA (UKRAINE) - Russian troops pursued their "relentless" shelling of Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region on Saturday, as the United States promised new military aid to Kyiv including powerful rocket launchers.



Higher Interest Rates Raise Risk of Future Fed Losses

Business, Published on 24/05/2022

» The Federal Reserve's plans to raise interest rates aggressively to combat high inflation could have an overlooked and uncomfortable side effect for the central bank: capital losses.


Simple Myanmar fix

News, Postbag, Published on 27/03/2022

» Re: "Junta 'ordered attacks' on civilians," (BP, March 25).