Search Result for “inject”

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Imagining a post-coronavirus world

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 31/03/2020

» Prior to the World Health Organization categorising the Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic, nobody would have imagined that the most of the world would be in lockdown as it is today, with over one billion people forced to stop doing their daily routines as they are advised to stay at home to avoid contracting and/or spreading the virus. To survive, each affected country, big or small, will have to use whatever skills and resources they have to fight this common enemy.



Paradox belies Thailand-Malaysia ties

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 22/10/2019

» This week marks one full year since Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad's much publicised visit to Thailand. During the landmark trip, he said that Malaysia under his leadership would do "whatever was possible" to achieve peace in southern Thailand. His comment gave a strong sense of deja vu to the government of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha that permanent peace and stability at the southern tip was close at hand.



9 reasons for Trump to visit Bangkok

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 03/09/2019

» These days, US President Donald Trump's participation in any summit or international conference is guaranteed to make headlines. It is no longer a given that the world's most powerful country and its leader would automatically attend certain summits as a formality or otherwise to provide an impetus for concerted action and resolve.



South Korea is wooing Asean and India

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 17/07/2018

» For the first time since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War, South Korea, under the helm of President Moon Jae-in, has effectively been embedded in the regional scheme of things --political/security, economic and social/cultural. The country's previous four presidents -- Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun, Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye -- tried to do the same but sadly they repeatedly failed. Every time these leaders wanted to focus on Southeast Asia and South Asia, something happened in the Northeast, the Korean Peninsula in particular, that immediately distracted them. They became mesmerised and forgot the region. There was no consistency whatsoever.