Search Result for “go digital”

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Ad a glance -- 2015

Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 18/12/2015

» We've seen some genius ads this year in Thailand. Thai Life Insurance's tear-jerking "Garbage Man" makes you want to hug the first street sweeper you see. "Every Mouthful is Meaningful" by CP makes you want to call your mother right that very moment. Thai ads also seem to be loved the world over -- even foreign websites have featured "Thai ads that make you cry" .



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 16/10/2015

» I've heard about the "digital economy" for a while, and like the term "AEC", I don't really know what it means. But if it means we're going to go fully digital -- or at least planning to -- we have a lot of work ahead of us.



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 02/10/2015

» I want you to think of those sweet days when you were about 15 years old and thought the world was your oyster. You're finally old enough -- you've got an ID card, dammit! -- to go out on your own, hang out with friends, spend your allowance and all that. Your life as an independent adult has finally arrived, and there's so much you want to do with it.



Get down with your past self

Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 11/09/2015

» When I was around 10 or so, whenever I read Doraemon comics, I was strongly convinced that by the time I was 30, a time machine would have been invented, and I would be able to transport myself back in time to talk to my childhood self.


The business of beautiful blinks

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 07/04/2015

» Maggie Ford Danielson and her sister Annie, daughters of Benefit co-founder Jean Ford and nieces to co-founder Jane Ford, grew up with make-up their entire lives, but still can't seem to get enough of the industry.


Fashion inspiration close to home

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/11/2014

» Singapore might be a shopping destination for tourists around the world, but most of the brands that travel back in the shoppers' suitcases are usually international. People usually go shopping for fashion products in Singapore because there is a notion that things are somehow cheaper.


Fashion and philanthropy

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 30/11/2013

» '!I have an idea for our photo shoot," announced Kenneth Cole as he walked into the his flagship store at CentralWorld, before he climbed over the window display platform and casually placed his arm around a mannequin, a stunt which was met with a lot of stares and even a few giggles from passers-by, none of which managed to faze him.



A traveller's oyster

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 05/01/2013

» Singaporean duo Ning Cai and Pamela Ho come from two different worlds - Ning is an award-winning magician, escape artist and illusionist, whose talents have earned her three world records while Pamela is an award-winning print journalist who has won four journalism awards, a radio DJ, a TV producer, and a single mother of twin boys.