Search Result for “energy conservation”

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Green push needs united approach

News, Published on 20/05/2024

» Bridging the divide between agriculture and forestry is imperative for climate action. The global and national race is on to steeply reduce emissions over the next six years. According to the watershed Global Stocktake report, released ahead of COP28 in Dubai, we face the daunting task of reducing emissions by 43% by 2030 to retain the possibility of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees by the end of the century, and 27% to stabilise at a 2-degree temperature increase. Since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015, we have managed only to be on track for a 2% reduction in emissions against 2019 baselines. Each subsequent year, we collectively feel the impacts of a hotter, more volatile climate as new records are set for temperature and natural disasters.


A turning point for clean cooking

Oped, Published on 15/05/2024

» For most of her life, Florence Auma Ode cooked over an open fire in her Kenyan home. The resulting smoke coated the walls with a layer of soot and filled her lungs -- and those of her family members -- with particulate matter.



Ripe time for culture-based action

Oped, Published on 14/12/2023

» Climate change affects every aspect of our lives, from the food we produce and our health to global peace and security. But the climate crisis is transforming not only our natural ecosystems but also our social and cultural landscapes, eroding our tangible and intangible heritage and practices, and depriving us of precious sources of resilience, meaning, identity, and knowledge.



Heat's rising for Thailand to go green

Oped, Somkiat Tangkitvanich, Published on 08/11/2023

» The world is boiling hot, not simply warming. Therefore, Thailand's response must extend beyond planting trees and carbon credit sales. To weather humanity's greatest crisis and safeguard our economy, we must transform into a low-carbon society and economy.



Balancing sustainability in BRI

Oped, Published on 19/10/2023

» Ever since 2013 when China launched its magnanimous Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Western capitals have been viewing this monumental developmental project with scepticism; their response is tainted by an unwarranted wave of negativity and misinformation.



Time runs short in India's climate crisis

Oped, Published on 09/08/2023

» 'I have never seen climate carnage on the scale of the floods here in Pakistan. As our planet continues to warm, all countries will increasingly suffer losses and damage from climate beyond their capacity to adapt. This is a global crisis, it demands a global response," wrote UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in his tweet at the end of his two-day solidarity trip to Pakistan in September last year.



Crumbling pride

Oped, Editorial, Published on 05/08/2023

» A debate surrounding the ongoing renovation of the iconic robot-shaped building on Sathon Road still persists, illuminating the challenges associated with the laws and mechanisms aimed at preserving modern-style architecture in the country.



Bimstec: A new force of the Global South

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 25/07/2023

» All of a sudden, the countries around the Bay of Bengal are coming to the fore and raising their profiles. They know full well that this vast maritime enclave, with its plentiful resources and potential benefits, is another important strategic landscape. So, it is better to get their act together.



The geopolitics of nature requires collaboration

Oped, Published on 13/06/2023

» From Russia's war against Ukraine to US rivalry with China, tectonic geopolitical shifts have shaken multilateralism in recent years. While many of the consequences, from surging food and energy prices to the rising risks of major conflict, have been discussed at length, more attention must be devoted to the implications of these shifts for efforts to address the multifaceted climate and nature crisis.


Oceans need collaborative effort

Oped, Published on 09/06/2023

» As we mark the World Ocean Day 2023 this week, we should take a moment to consider the work that still needs to be done. From marine pollution and climate change to unsustainable practices and declining populations of endangered species, the challenges we face are immense. In the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) region, which encompasses Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste, these countries are working together to protect and preserve this vital oceanic expanse for future generations.