Search Result for “electric vehicles”

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Thailand's EEC is an opportunity not to be missed

Oped, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 18/11/2022

» This is a special year for our region. This month, Southeast Asian capitals play host to three major summits. Cambodia hosted the Asean Summit from Nov 10-13 and the G20 Summit has just been held in Bali, Indonesia. This weekend, Thailand hosts the annual leaders' summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec).



Will the Cop27 meet bring dread or hope?

News, Published on 14/11/2022

» Ask two different climate experts at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt (Cop27) to characterise their feelings about the future, and you may get quite different answers. "We are seeing more progress than we ever imagined," says one, while the other laments that we are heading full tilt like lemmings over the cliff. They can't both be right, can they?


The West needs an energy alliance

Oped, Published on 03/11/2022

» The old line that "history does not repeat itself, but often rhymes", is an apt description of the evolving relationship between the West and its rivals. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was a global superpower, owing to its military prowess. Today, Russia's armed forces appear to be in a dismal state, but the country has become an energy superpower that can use its vast natural-gas reserves as a weapon. Similarly, today's standoff between the West and Russia over Ukraine echoes the Cold War confrontation between authoritarianism and democracy.


The benign sociopath that is Elon Musk

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 02/11/2022

» Elon Musk is that rarest of things, a benign sociopath, and therefore a person of considerable value to the world. He has just made a mistake that could ruin his long-term plan, for his purchase of Twitter is almost bound to end in tears. The sharks are always circling the very rich and highly geared, and I find myself worrying about him.


Green growth is our only option

Oped, Published on 15/09/2022

» In the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, this year's energy crisis has intensified the debate over what policies developing countries should be putting first. Some argue that poor countries should focus on development rather than decarbonisation; others advocate "green development", which would involve leapfrogging fossil fuels altogether.



The clean energy race is on but it needs investment

Oped, Published on 26/08/2022

» The United States has entered the clean-energy race in a big way with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022. Not only will the law subsidise US renewable-energy producers and consumers to the tune of US$369 billion (13 trillion baht) over 10 years; it also authorises the Department of Energy (DOE) to lend up to $250 billion to US companies that are investing in the clean energy transition. Between the IRA and the recent $52 billion package to boost US semiconductor production, it is clear that industrial policy is back in vogue in Washington, DC.



Clean energy needs far clearer policy

Oped, Published on 17/08/2022

» Amid rising oil prices and the need to slow down global warming from fossil fuels, the government's vow to give electric vehicles a big policy push is more than welcome. The road ahead will not be easy, however.



Thai 3Rs secret to handling US, China

Oped, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/07/2022

» Recent visits by the foreign ministers of China and the US created lots of buzz among the Thai public and diplomatic community regarding the direction of Thai foreign policy. Many questions were raised but no satisfactory answers were given.



Myanmar's crises: A recipe for disaster

Oped, Published on 23/06/2022

» 'The military exploits [natural resources] as they like, and we do what we like," says Myint, who lives in Khamti township in north-western Sagaing region -- one of the sites with the most clashes between the Myanmar military and resistance forces. "Everyone knows that one day there'll be no more resources and this will harm the environment. But in these difficulties, to find daily income we have no choice."



All must help save energy

News, Editorial, Published on 13/06/2022

» The Russia-Ukraine military conflict has given rise to surging energy prices worldwide with the price of oil now at its highest level in almost 14 years.