Search Result for “economic crisis”

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Thailand's weed legalisation dilemma

Oped, Published on 05/06/2024

» When cannabis or ganja was legalised (the plant was removed from the illicit drugs list) in 2022 by the Prayut Chan-o-cha government, this led to mass confusion whereby the public misunderstood and perceived it as "liberalisation". This resulted in widespread and unregulated cannabis consumption.



Respect 'laws of nature'

Oped, Editorial, Published on 05/06/2024

» Today marks World Environment Day, initiated in 1973 by the United Nations Environment Programme to create a global platform aimed at inspiring positive change.


Technology gives a little hope for climate: Part 2

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 05/06/2024

» It was technology that got us into this climate crisis, and it will be technology that gets us out of it. Specifically, technology that lets us go on living in a high-energy civilisation without burning fossil fuels, and technology that keeps the heat from overwhelming us while we work towards that goal.



Time to prepare for 'Disease X'

Oped, Published on 04/06/2024

» On Dec 12, 2019, a group of patients in Wuhan, China, started showing symptoms of an atypical pneumonia-like illness that did not respond well to standard treatments. Ninety days later, with more than 118,000 cases reported in 114 countries and 4,291 deaths, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic.



A bit rich

Published on 03/06/2024

» Re: "PM pitches Thai, US partnership", (BP, June, 1).



GSB and BAM Form 1 Billion Baht Debt Relief Venture

Published on 31/05/2024

» Government Savings Bank (GSB) has partnered with Bangkok Commercial Asset Management (BAM) to establish a joint venture, ARI Asset Management Co., Ltd. (ARI-AMC), with a capital investment of 1 billion baht. ARI-AMC will purchase and transfer non-performing loans (NPLs) from GSB over the course of three quarters in the fiscal year 2024, providing assistance to over 500,000 accounts of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) debtors and credit card debtors.



20 years of errors can't be fixed easily

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 30/05/2024

» I have a strong feeling that piecemeal measures are what the economy is going to get from the government to combat Thailand's long-standing economic problems.



Building wealth through health

Business, Published on 30/05/2024

» Financial markets price the future. About a year ago, the market was looking for an aggressive reversal of interest rates, reflecting the turmoil in the US banking system and the expectation of an economic slowdown.



National Economic and Social Development Council says 1 in 70 people a suicide risk

News, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 29/05/2024

» About 10 million people in the country have mental health problems and almost 11% of them are at risk of committing suicide, according to the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC).



Eyes and ears everywhere in China

Published on 25/05/2024

» BEIJING - The wall in the police station was covered in sheets of paper, one for every building in the sprawling Beijing apartment complex. Each sheet was further broken down by unit, with names, phone numbers and other information on the residents.