Search Result for “digital currency”

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Thailand wants faster inflation

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 06/06/2024

» It's hard to find a leader anywhere these days who will argue the case for faster inflation. Politicians would rather drink hemlock than call for a renewed acceleration; they are often too busy nodding sympathetically at what their opponents call a cost-of-living crisis. But there is a kingdom where calling for more elevated prices, sooner, isn't off limits. In fact, the government embraces the concept.



Handout difficult without BoT's help

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 18/04/2024

» The purpose of this article is to educate the public about the real issue of the digital wallet scheme. The issue is not "HOW to get the 500 billion baht?" but "Is there 500 billion baht AVAILABLE to be borrowed?"


Sanctions need global governance

Oped, Published on 12/04/2024

» As Russia's war against Ukraine has entered its third year, Western governments are finding it increasingly difficult to muster the funding Ukraine needs to defend itself. The European Union struggled to reach a €50 billion (1.9 trillion baht) aid deal in February, and the United States remains deadlocked over its own US$60 billion (about 2.2 trillion baht) funding package. Now, calls to use Russia's own assets to fund the Ukrainian war effort are growing louder.



2024 GDP forecast is wishful thinking

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 14/12/2023

» If one thinks 2023 was a not-so-good year for the Thai economy because GDP growth is likely below 2%, 2024 could be worse owing to three major economic risks: liquidity inadequacy, high gasoline price, and high electricity cost.


Industry rules are broken, not cryptocurrencies

News, Published on 31/08/2023

» When the Venetian merchant Marco Polo travelled the Silk Road in the thirteenth century, he encountered not only unfamiliar peoples, but also new (to him) forms of finance. In China, he was shocked to learn that Kublai Khan had introduced paper money. It was lighter, easier to transfer and store, and more valuable than the metal coins packed in his purse. After returning to Venice, Marco Polo taught his fellow merchants how to use the Khan's innovation. Even though some rejected the flat, foldable currency, arguing that it was no gold and never would be, paper money would change the world.



Reviving Thai economy is a tall order

Oped, Chartchai Parasuk, Published on 27/07/2023

» By the time readers read this article, Thailand still does not have a real government. But judging from the game being played, it is not too hard to guess which party will lead a new government.



Riots' deja vu raises the stakes

News, Published on 04/07/2023

» A teenager killed by police in a Paris suburb. A wave of anger that morphs into widespread rioting and opportunistic looting. A tough law-and-order response followed by an appeal for unity and calm -- and a political call for action that fades over time.



The simmering movement towards de-dollarisation

Oped, Published on 25/04/2023

» In the hopes of pressuring Russia to capitulate, the United States implemented a series of punitive sanctions last year, freezing a whopping $300 billion of Russia's foreign currency reserves and booting major Russian banks from the interbank messaging service used for international payments, SWIFT.



Time to leverage big data for the public good

News, Published on 02/11/2022

» The digital age has taught businesses to see people as individuals rather than just as members of certain demographic cohorts. On social media, we receive personalised ads based on our responses to previous ads, our current location, and our shopping habits. Our massive digital footprint enables companies to know precisely how effective their advertising campaigns are at the individual level and to derive immense value from this knowledge.


The global recovery winds down

Oped, Published on 12/10/2022

» The post-Covid recovery has run out of steam. The latest update to the Brookings-Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (Tiger) shows that growth momentum, as well as financial market and confidence indicators, have deteriorated markedly around the world in recent months, many countries are either in or on the brink of outright recession.